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Rocky Flats

  •  JUMP TO:
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 
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          This page last updated Wednesday, December 8, 2004

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No document links for 2009

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No document links for 2006

  • October 3,  2005, Board letter regarding the Board's responsibilities under the Memorandum of Understanding Governing Regulation and Oversight of Department of Energy Activities in the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Industrial Area[HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • June 10,  2005, Department letter regarding last shipment of transuranic (TRU) waste from Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS). [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • October 1,  2004, Department letter providing status of the wet combustible transuranic waste shipments from the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • May 4,  2004, Department letter regarding glovebox fire in Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • February 3,  2004, Department letter providing an interim status on the actions taken in response to Board letter dated December 2, 2003 regarding the glovebox fire at Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • December 2,  2003, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a corrective action plan regarding the glovebox fire at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • October 10,  2003, Department letter regarding commitments relative to gloveboxes at Rocky Flats Field Office. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • August 15,  2003, Department letter responding to Board reporting requirement dated July 31, 2003 regarding glovebox fire at Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 31,  2003, Board letter establishing a 15-day reporting requirement regarding fire at Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 17,  2003, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 305, in the 2000-1, Revision 2 implementation plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials, by completing the repackage of all metal and oxides (except classified metal) into 3013 containers at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

  • November 26,  2002, Department letter providing status information on two Board Recommendations as they apply to Rocky Flats. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • November 1,  2002, Department letter responding to Board letter regarding the use of Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) to stabilize plutonium oxides. [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]
  • July 12,  2002, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement addressing the issues outlined in the enclosed staff report regarding the approved guidance for verifying thermal stabilization of plutonium oxide. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • June 25,  2002, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 19, 2002 regarding work control and integrated safety management issues at Rocky Flats. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • May 22,  2002, Board letter commending the Department and the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site for completing stabilization and repackaging of more than 100 metric tons of plutonium-bearing residues relative to Implementation Plan 94-1. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • March 19,  2002, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on activity-level work planning and feedback and improvement at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology site. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]
  • March 6,  2002, Department letter regarding Building 371 vaults at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [HTML] [PDF] [WPD]





  • October 30, 1997, Board staff trip report of ventilation systems at Rocky Flats. [HTML] [PDF]
  • October 15, 1997, Board staff trip report on Review of Authorization Basis for Bldg. 371 at RFETS. [HTML]
  • May 16, 1997, Board staff trip report on Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Recommendation 94-3 Implementation Review, dated April 23, 1997 [HTML]
  • November 26, 1996, Building 771 Readiness Assessment. (forwarded February 19, 1997) [HTML]
  • October 22, 1996, Review of Residue Processing Title I and II Design at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. (forwarded February 19, 1997) [HTML]
  • August 16, 1996,  Review of Preparations for Liquid Stabilization of Plutonium Solutions in Building 771 at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, dated (forwarded April 11, 1997) [HTML]
  • May 17, 1996, Review of Preparations for Liquid Stabilization of Plutonium Solutions in Building 771 at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, dated (forwarded April 11, 1997) [HTML]


  • October 8, 1996, Board staff trip report: Review of Deactivation and Decommissioning Plans for Buildings 771 and 779 at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.  Forwarded December 16, 1996) [[HTML].
  • July 29, 1996, Board staff trip report on the occupational radiation protection program.  [PDF]
  • May 8, 1996, Report on the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Annual Emergency Preparedness Exercise, READY - 96.   (forwarded July 24, 1996) [HTML]
  • March 21, 1996, Board staff trip report on fire protection.  [PDF]
  • February 21, 1996,  Conduct of Operations Implementation, dated (forwarded July 5, 1996) [HTML]
  • September 7, 1995, Report on Review of Solutions Stabilization, dated (forwarded February 8, 1996) [HTML]
  • May 30, 1996, Board staff trip report on safety and authorization basis issues at Rocky Flats. [PDF]
  • May 15, 1996, Board staff trip report on safety and authorization basis issues at Rocky Flats. [PDF]
  • September 4, 1996, Board trip report on the review of electrical systems at RFETS.  (trip conducted June 10-27, 1996).  [PDF]
  • March 27, 1996, Board Staff Trip Report on the review of the Hydrogen generation issues at RFETS.  (trip conducted October 1993). [PDF]


  • August 25, 1995, Board letter regarding ventilation for Buildings 371, 776/777, 881, 883, and 886 at the Rocky Flats Plant. [PDF]
  • August 3, 1995, Board staff trip report on Bldgs. 771/776/777. [PDF]
  • July 21, 1995, Board staff report on the ventilation systems in Buildings 371 and 776 at Rocky Flats. [PDF]
  • July 12, 1995, Board staff trip report on Rocky Flats Emergency Response Exercise (Ready 94).  [PDF]
  • June 14, 1995, Solution Tanks Safety Review, dated (forwarded December 8, 1995) [HTML]
  • May 25, 1995, Board staff trip report on combustible residues.  [PDF]
  • May 22, 1995, Board staff trip report on plutonium residue processing.   [PDF]
  • May 4, 1995, Board staff trip report on facility representatives.   [PDF]
  • April 5, 1995, Rocky Flats Emergency Response Exercise "Ready 94," dated  (forwarded April 17, 1995) [HTML]
  • March 27, 1995, Board staff trip report on radiolytic hydrogen generation.  [PDF]
  • March 14, 1995, Board staff trip report on criticality safety and thermal stabilization preparations.  [PDF]
  • February 6, 1995, Board staff trip report on radioactive waste management.  [PDF]
  • August 24, 1994, Report on the Radiation Protection Program at the RFETS, dated   (forwarded January 19, 1995) [HTML]
  • August 19, 1994 Potential Fault Issue at RFETS, dated (forwarded January 19, 1995) [HTML]
  • January 9, 1995, Board staff trip report on backup power supply systems.  [PDF]


  • December 29, 1994, Board staff trip report on trenching at RFETS.  [PDF]
  • December 27, 1994, Board staff trip report on restart activities.   [PDF]
  • December 8, 1994, Board staff trip report on nuclear and criticality safety.  [PDF]
  • November 22, 1994, Board letter forwarding trip report on review of   plutonium metal repackaging at RFS (trip conducted October 3-5, 1994).  [PDF]
  • November 11, 1994, Board staff trip report on review of plutonium metal repackaging and plutonium solution stabilization at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [PDF]
  • October 5, 1994, Board staff trip report on condition of PU residue processing.  [PDF]
  • August 16, 1994, Board staff trip report on draft PU standard.  [PDF]
  • April 28, 1994, Board staff trip report on ventilation/filtration systems at Bldgs. 559/707.  [PDF]
  • April 6, 1994, Board staff trip report on status of efforts to accelerate PU solution stabilization.  [PDF]
  • March 28, 1994, Board staff trip report on stack effluent and ambient air monitoring.  [PDF]
  • February 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on order compliance.  [PDF]
  • February 16, 1994, Board staff trip report on fire protection.  [PDF]
  • February 8, 1994, Board staff trip report on feed characterization for Bldg. 707 thermal stabilization process.  [PDF]
  • February 3, 1994, Board staff trip report on draft PU storage standard to Bldg. 707 resumption.  [PDF]
  • February 1, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on ventilation and filtration systems at RFS.  [PDF]


  • December 2, 1993, Board staff trip report on the Rocky Flats Emergency Response Exercise (Ready 93). [PDF]
  • December 1, 1993, Board staff trip report on radiation protection review at the Rocky Flats Plant. [PDF]
  • October 22, 1993, Board staff trip report on Plutonium Storage at Rocky Flats. [PDF]
  • September 10, 1993, Board staff trip report on quality assurance. [PDF]
  • September 9, 1993, Board staff trip report to review special nuclear material issues at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. [PDF]
  • August 26, 1993, Board staff trip report on Rocky Flats training and qualification. [PDF]
  • May 18, 1993, Board's observations concerning the ALARA program and review of occurrence reports. March 29 - April 2, 1993. [PDF]
  • April 22, 1993, Board staff trip report on Building 371 at Rocky Flats for seismic and systems design bases, special nuclear material storage, and systematic evaluation program status. [PDF]


  • December 9, 1992,  Board forwards staff trip report on supercompactor and repackaging facility at RFS. [PDF]
  • September 11, 1992, Board staff trip report on Building 707 at Rocky Flats, staff assessment and status of functional and preoperational testing. [PDF]
  • July 7, 1992, Board letter forwarding staff trip report to Rocky Flats on supercompactor (trip conducted June 25-26, 1992). [PDF]

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