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Rec. 94-2
Safety Standards for Low Level Waste

  • 94-2 BY YEAR:
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 
 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 
This page last updated Wednesday, December 8, 2004

  • Board Recommendation: from Chairman Conway to Secretary O'Leary, dated September 8, 1994. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • Department Response: from Secretary O'Leary to Chairman Conway, dated October 28, 1994. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • Department Implementation Plan, Revision 1, dated May 7, 1996. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • Department Closure Proposal, dated December 20, 1999. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • Board Closure, dated December 22, 1999. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • January 2, 2001, Department letter informing the Board of the completion of the 4 remaining commitments in Implementation Plan 94-2 - Issuance of Idaho Natinal Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Radioactive Waste Management Complex Disposal Authorization Statement, Nevada Operations Office submission of NTS Area 5 Composite Analysis, HQ Review of the NTS Area 5 Composite Analysis, and Issuance of NTS Area 5 Disposal Authorization Statement.  [HTM] [WPD] [PDF] 

             No document links for 2000

  • December 22, 1999, Board letter forwarding closure of Recommendation 94-2, Conformance with Safety Standards at Department of Energy Low-Level Nuclear Waste and Disposal Sites. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 20, 1999, Department letter forwarding report providing the completion status of the commitments in Implementation Plan for 94-2, the rationale and proposal for closing this recommendation. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • December 13, 1999, Department letter enclosing the compliance evaluation and the disposal authorization for SWSA-6 low-level waste disposal in Tumulus I & II and IWMF at Oak Ridge Reservation in completion of commitments VII.B.5.b.1, 2, 3 relative to 94-2 and proposing closure of these commitments. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 17, 1999, Department  letter forwarding a compilation of the current research activities of the Office of Science and Technology to implement the Low-Level Waste Research and Development Plan developed by the Department in response to Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 27, 1999, Department letter forwarding quarterly progress report on Board Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 25, 1999, Department letter forwarding proposal to close commitments VII.B.5.b.1., 2., and 3. in Recommendation 94-2 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 20,1999, Department letter forwarding proposal to close Commitments VII.B.5.b.1., 2., and 3 of Recommendation 94-2 Implementation Plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 28, 1999, Department letter enclosing the compliance evaluation and the disposal authorization statement for the SRS E-Area Vaults and Saltstone disposal facilities. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • August 27, 1999, Department letter forwarding a quarterly progress report for the period April 1 through June 30, 1999, per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 4, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments on the draft of Order 435.1 in regards to Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 28, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 14, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Progress Report per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 1, 1999, Department letter forwarding the quarterly progress report per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • November 18, 1998, Board letter forwarding comments on the 94-2 quarterly report for the period of July 1 through September 30, 1998. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 23, 1998, Department letter forwarding the quarterly progress report for the period of July 1 through September 30, 1998, per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 8, 1998, Board letter forwarding comments regarding DOE Order 435.1. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 2, 1998, Department letter forwarding proposals for closure of several commitments of Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 1, 1998, Department letter forwarding the complex-wide strategy for maintenance of low-level waste per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 17, 1998, Department letter forwarding The Current and Planned Low-Level Waste Disposal Capacity Report, Revision 1, per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 17, 1998, Department letter forwarding the Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility Federal Review Group Manual per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 29, 1998, Board letter acknowledging completion of commitments per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 27, 1998, Department letter forwarding the quarterly progress report for the period from April 1, 1998, to June 30, 1998, per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 10, 1998, Department letter acknowledging completion of radiological assessments for low-level waste disposal facilities in accordance with the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • July 9, 1998, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report for the period of January 1 through March 31, 1998 and provided a revised commitment schedule for the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 27, 1998, Department letter forwarding the completion of radiological assessments for low-level waste disposal facilities at two Department sites per the 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 21, 1998, Department letter forwarding the quarterly progress report per the 94-2 implementation plan for the period October 1, 1997, through December 31, 1997. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

  • November 21, 1997, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Progress Report for implementation plan 94-2 (enclosure).  [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 16, 1997, Department letter providing a status of commitments for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • July 31, 1997, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period April 1 - June 30, 1997 (enclosure). [HTML]
  • July 31, 1997, Department forwarding Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period April 1 - June 30, 1997. [HTML]
  • June 30, 1997, Department letter forwarding Task Initiative VII.B.5.b.1 for implementation 94-2.  [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • May 1, 1997, Department letter transmitting the Quarterly Progress Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period January 1 - March 31, 1997. [HTML]
  • April 30, 1997, Department letter updating the Board on the diversification of the Peer Review Panel and Headquarters review of the Hanford 200 East Area Burial Ground Performance Assessment. [HTML]
  • April 18, 1997, Department letter forwarding deliverables to satisfy Task Initiatives IX.B.1 and IX.B.2. [HTML]
  • April 11, 1997, Board letter [HTML] forwarding 25 Board staff trip reports and staff trip report on review of F- and H-Area High-Level Waste Tank Closure at SRS (trip conducted September 26, 1996). [HTML]
  • April 3, 1997, Department letter notifying the Board of its submission to HQ of the "Performance Assessment and Composite Analysis for LANL..." for review. [HTML]
  • March 31, 1997, Department letter forwarding the "DOE Low-Level Waste Program Management Plan. [HTML]
  • March 1997, Department forwards the Research and Development Needs Assessment. [PDF]
  • March 1997, Department forwards the Research and Development Activities Assessment. [PDF]
  • March 1997, Department forwards Low-Level Waste Program Management Plan. [HTML]
  • March 7, 1997, Department letter providing "a list of  'critical assumptions' to be used in the preparation of the DOE LLW disposal facility performance assessments." [HTML]
  • February 28, 1997, Department letter forwarding completion of commitments VI.B.5, VI.B.6, and VI.B.7 for implementation plan 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • February 7, 1997, Department forwards Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period October 1 - December 31, 1996. [HTML]
  • February 7, 1997, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period October 1 - December 31, 1996. [HTML]
  • February 2, 1997, Department letter notifying the Board of a delay in meeting milestone VII.B.1. [HTML]
  • January 9, 1997, Department forwards report on "Guidance for complying with DOE Order 5820.2A." [HTML]
  • January 9, 1997, Department letter forwarding the "Guidance for complying with DOE Order 5820.2A." [HTML]

  • December 26, 1996, Department letter forwarding Low-Level Waste Projection Guide. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • November 1, 1996, Department letter forwarding Task Initiative VII.B.4.b.2 deliverable. [HTML]
  • November 1, 1996, Department forwards Quarterly Report for the period July 1 - September 30, 1996. [HTML]
  • November 1, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Quarterly Report for the period July 1 - September 30, 1996. [HTML]
  • October 31, 1996, Department forwarding Task Initiative VI.B.4.b.2 deliverable, "Interim Format and Content Guide and Standard Review Plan for the Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility Performance Assessments." [HTML]
  • October 7, 1996, Department letter forwarding "DOE Low-Level Waste System Description Document," for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • October 7, 1996, Department forwards report, "DOE Low-Level Waste System Description Document," produced to meet requirements of 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • October 7, 1996, Department letter responding to the Board's acceptance of the revised implementation plan. [HTML]
  • October 2, 1996, Department letter forwarding Task Initiative IV.B.4 deliverable, "Evaluation of the Safety Merits and Demerits of using Privately Operated Facilities for Disposal of the DOE Low Level Waste," for 94-2 implementation plan (enclosure). [PDF]
  • October 1, 1996, Department letter forwarding maintenance of DOE Low-Level Waste of Performance Assessments for 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [PDF]
  • September 30, 1996, Department forwarding the Low-Level Waste Performance Assessments Report for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • August 30, 1996, Department forwards memorandum of acceptance of the INEL performance assessment for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • August 30, 1996, Department forwards completed performance assessment for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • August 30, 1996, Department letter forwarding Low-Level RWME Strategy for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • August 20, 1996, Board letter accepting the revised 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • July 31, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Task Initiative VI.B.2.b.2 deliverable. [HTML]
  • July 31, 1996, Department forwarding Task Initiative VI.B.2.b.2 deliverable, "Revised Interim Policy on Regulatory Structure for Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal." [HTML]
  • July 31, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Corrective Action Plan for Complex-Wide Vulnerabilities. [HTML]
  • July 31, 1996, Department forwards "...LLW Disposal Capacity Report" for 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • July 31, 1996, Department forwards initial site-specific Corrective Action Plans for 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • July 31, 1996, Department forwards evaluation of saltstone facility for 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • July 29, 1996, Department letter forwarding Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • July 29, 1996, Department forwards Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period April 1 - June 30, 1996. [HTML]
  • June 27, 1996, Department letter forwarding implementation plan for Recommendation 94-2. [PDF]
  • June 27, 1996, Department letter forwarding revision 1 of 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • June 11, 1996, Department letter forwarding deliverable to satisfy VI.B.4.b.2 for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • May 31, 1996, Department transmitting Policy for Demonstrating Compliance with DOE Order 5820.2A for Onsite Management and Disposal of Environmental Restoration Low-Level Waste Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. [HTML]
  • May 31, 1996, Department letter forwarding deliverable to satisfy Task Initiative VI.B.3. [HTML] [PDF]
  • May 20, 1996, Department forwards Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period January 1 - March 31, 1996. [HTML]
  • May 20, 1996, Department letter forwarding Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period January 1 - March 31, 1996. [HTML]
  • May 17, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Final Report of the Complex-Wide Review of DOE Low-Level Waste Management ES&H Vulnerabilities. [HTML]
  • May 7, 1996, Department letter forwarding revision 1 of 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • April 30, 1996, Department letter forwarding deliverable to satisfy VII.B.2 for 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • April 26, 1996, Department letter forwarding the "Low-Level Waste Program Requirements Document".  [HTML]  [WP]  [PDF]
  • April 12, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Preliminary Report of theComplex-Wide Review of DOE Low-Level Waste Management ES&H Vulnerabilities. [HTML]
  • April 12, 1996, Department memorandum forwarding the Preliminary Complex-Wide Review Report. [HTML]
  • April 3, 1996, Department letter forwarding Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan for the period April 1 - December 31, 1995. [HTML]
  • April 3, 1996, Department Quarterly Report for 94-2 implementation plan, for the period April 1 - December 31, 1995. [HTML]
  • April 1996, Department forwarding 94-2 implementation plan, revision 1. [PDF]
  • March 4, 1996, Department forwards (2) deliverables regarding 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • February 28, 1996, Department response to Board partial acceptance of 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]

  • December 20, 1995, Department forwards draft ESAAB procedures for the 94-2 implementation plan. [PDF]
  • November 6, 1995, Board forwards response to the CERCLA process. [PDF]
  • October 13, 1995, Board letter [HTML] providing Board staff trip report of Site Evaluation Survey for Low-Level Waste Management, dated October 2, 1995, prepared by Steven Stokes. [HTML]
  • September 25, 1995, Department forwards draft letter concerning DOE Order 5820.2A. [PDF]
  • July 31, 1995, Department letter notifying the Board of its plans to replace the Guidance for Preliminary Assessments with Performance Assessments. [HTML]
  • July 15, 1995, Board letter accepting 94-2 implementation plan. [HTML]
  • June 30, 1995, Department letter forwarding a preliminary LLW Management R&D Activities Catalog. [HTML]
  • June 28, 1995, Department letter forwarding the first of four integrated program planning documents. [HTML]
  • February 14, 1995, Department requests 45-day extension to respond to Recommendation 94-2. [HTML]
  • March 31, 1995, Department letter forwarding implementation plan for Recommendation 94-2. [PDF]
  • March 31, 1995, Department forwards Implementation Plan for Recommendation 94-2. [PDF]

  • October 13, 1994, Board letter [HTML] forwarding Board technical report DNFSB/TECH-2, Low-Level Waste Disposal Policy for Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities, prepared by DNFSB staff member Dominic S. Napolitano, et al. [HTML]
  • September 8, 1994, Board forwards Recommendation 94-2, Conformance with Safety Standards at DOE Low-Level Nuclear Waste and Disposal Sites. [HTML]
  • October 28, 1994, Department letter accepting Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]
  • September 8, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-2. [HTML] [WP] [PDF]

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