September 27, 2006


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger

Chair man

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC 20004-2941


Dear Mr. Chairman:


The purpose of this letter is to transmit the two Pilot Facility evaluations conducted by Environmental Management (EM) for Deliverable 8.6.3 of Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 2004-2, Active Confinement Systems.


Per our commitment, the Pilot Facility evaluations were performed by the individual sites in coordination with the Independent Review Panel (IRP), Central Technical Authority (CTA), and your staff.  In-process reviews were conducted with the IRP after each site had collected relevant data from their documented safety analysis and after initial comparisons had been made to the established ventilation system performance criteria.  Final review of the complete report is continuing and the IRP review reports are being generated.  The IRP review reports along with the lessons learned from the Pilot Facility evaluations will be provided to you upon completion.  Final Program Secretarial Officer concurrence and approval of gaps and any upgrades, if necessary, will be in accordance with Deliverable 8.6.5.


EM appreciates the involvement of your technical staff during the Pilot Facility evaluation process and will continue to coordinate with them during completion of the IRP review reports and the final concurrence by EM and the CTA.


If you have any comments or feedback, please call me at (202) 586-0738 or Mr. Dae Y. Chung, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Safety Management and Operations, at (202) 586-5151.




Dr. Inés R. Triay

Chief Operating Officer for

  Environmental Management



Idaho Report

SRS Report



cc:   Mark Whitaker, DR-1

Russell Shearer, EH-1

Glenn Podonsky, HSS-1