
New browser window will open for ACA. Association of Canadian Archivists.ACA. Association of Canadian Archivists

Recognizing the diversity of the Canadian archival community and its organizations, the ACA envisions a dynamic, well educated, and well informed information profession, strategically positioned to ensure the preservation and accessibility of Canada's information resources and its documentary heritage, the public's appreciation of those resources and that heritage, and the role of the Canadian archival community in its preservation and accessibility.

New browser window will open for ALA. American Library Association. ALA. American Library Association

The oldest and largest library association in the world, with more than 64,000 members. Its mission is to promote the highest quality library and information services and public access to information. Membership open to library workers and advocates. Offers professional services and publications to members and nonmembers.

New browser window will open for the ALA ALCTS CCS. ALCTS Cataloging and Classification Section. ALA ALCTS CCS. ALCTS Cataloging and Classification Section

Under this section are committees focusing on Description and Access (CC:DA), Subject Analysis (SAC), Education, Training, and Recruitment, Research and Publications, Asian and African materials, etc., as well as Discussion Groups for Catalog Management, Cataloging and Classification Research, Cataloging Norms, Copy Cataloging, and Heads of Cataloging Departments.

New browser window will open for the ALA ALCTS CCS CC:DA. ALA ALCTS CCS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access. ALA ALCTS CCS CC:DA. ALA ALCTS CCS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access

The Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) is the body within the American Library Association responsible for developing official ALA positions on additions to and revisions of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition, 2002 Revision.

New browser window will open for the ALA LITA. ALA Library & Information Technology Association. ALA LITA. ALA Library & Information Technology Association

The ALA Division concerned with the design, development, and implementation of automated and technological systems in the library and information science field. LITA members work in all types of institutions and library decision-makers, practitioners, information professionals and vendors. LITA has Committees on Education, International Relations, Legislation & Regulation, Technology & Access, and Top Technology Trends, as well as Interest Groups for Authority Control, Digital Library Technologies, Distance Learning, Emerging Technologies, Human/Machine Interface, Technology & the Arts, and many others.

New browser window will open for the ALA MARBI. ALA MAchine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee. ALA MARBI. ALA MAchine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee

MARBI is an interdivisional Joint Committee (ALCTS, LITA, RUSA), the body within the American Library Association responsible for developing official ALA positions on standards for the representation in machine-readable form of bibliographic information. MARBI focuses its attention on the development of the MARC format.

New browser window will open for the AMIA. Association of Moving Image Archivists.AMIA. Association of Moving Image Archivists

AMIA's mission is to advance the field of moving image archiving by fostering cooperation among individuals and organizations concerned with the acquisition, preservation, description, exhibition and use of moving image materials.

New browser window will open for the AMIA. Cataloging Committee.AMIA. Cataloging Committee

The AMIA Cataloging Committee provides a forum for discussion of cataloging issues. In the course of its work, the Committee facilitates the exchange of information through programs and publications, promotes the use of existing national standards for the cataloging of archival moving image materials, advises the appropriate standard making bodies on cataloging standards and issues, creates new cataloging standards, provides education and information on cataloging practices, and establishes liaisons with related organizations.

New browser window will open for the AMIA. Digital Initiatives Committee. AMIA. Digital Initiatives Committee

The Digital Initiatives Committee is a mechanism for identifying key issues, contributing expertise, and implementing special projects that lead to recommended practices for digital concerns that impact the archival moving image and audio field.

New browser window will open for the ASI. American Society of Indexers.ASI. American Society of Indexers

ASI is the only professional organization in the United States devoted solely to the advancement of indexing, abstracting, and database building.

New browser window will open for the AV Trust. AV Preservation Trust.AV Trust. AV Preservation Trust

Dedicated to increasing Canadians’ awareness of their rich and distinctive heritage in moving images and sound.

New browser window will open for BCA. Bureau of Canadian Arhcivists.BCA. Bureau of Canadian Arhcivists

The objective of the BCA is to ensure the professional development of Canadian archivists who are members of the Association des archivistes du Québec and the Association of Canadian Archivists.

New browser window will open for the CCA. Canadian Council of Archives.CCA. Canadian Council of Archives

The objective of the CCA is to preserve Canada's national heritage by improving the administration, effectiveness and efficiency of the country's archival system.

New browser window will open for the CCA CCAD. Canadian Committee on Archival Description.CCA CCAD. Canadian Committee on Archival Description

Primarily responsible for the maintenance and revision of the Canadian Rules for Archival Description (RAD) this CCA Committee is also involved in other areas surrounding archival description.

New browser window will open for the CCA Standards Committee.CCA Standards Committee

New browser window will open for the CCAAA. Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations.CCAAA. Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations

"CCAAA provides a shared platform for seven membership based organisations wishing to co-operate on influencing the development of public policy on issues of importance to professional audiovisual archivists."

New browser window will open for the DS. Cataloging Distribution Service.DS. Cataloging Distribution Service

New browser window will open for the CHIN. Canadian Heritage Information Network.CHIN. Canadian Heritage Information Network

CHIN and Canadian museums work together to strengthen Canada's collective ability to create, present and manage Canadian digital content.

New browser window will open for the DCMI. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.DCMI. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

An open forum engaged in the development of interoperable online metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models. DCMI's activities include consensus-driven working groups, global workshops, conferences, standards liaison, and educational efforts to promote widespread acceptance of metadata standards and practices.

New browser window will open for the FIAF. International Federation of Film Archives (Féderation Internationale des Archives du Film). FIAF. International Federation of Film Archives (Féderation Internationale des Archives du Film)

FIAF brings together institutions dedicated to rescuing films both as cultural heritage and as historical documents.

New browser window will open for the FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission.FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission

The Cataloguing and Documentation Commission’s mission is to promote the exchange of information, expertise, and materials among FIAF colleagues and others in the areas of film cataloging and of documentation related to the cinema.

New browser window will open for the FIAT/IFTA. Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision/International Federation of Television Archives.FIAT/IFTA. Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision/International Federation of Television Archives

An international professional association established to provide a means for co-operation amongst broadcast and national audiovisual archives and libraries concerned with the collection, preservation and exploitation of moving image and recorded sound materials and associated documentation.

New browser window will open for the IASA. International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives.IASA. International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives

IASA was established in 1969 in Amsterdam to function as a medium for international co-operation between archives that preserve recorded sound and audiovisual documents.

IASA Cataloguing and Documentation Committee

The Cataloguing and Documentation Committee concerns itself with standards and rules as well as with systems, automated or manual, for the documentation and cataloguing of audiovisual media

New browser window will open for the ICA. International Council on Archives.ICA. International Council on Archives

ICA's mission is towards the advancement of archives worldwide.

New browser window will open for the ICA. Committee on Descriptive Standards.ICA. Committee on Descriptive Standards

The Committee promotes and makes possible the exchange of information on archival material at the international level by specifying requirements for standards related to archival description that are acceptable to national archival administrations and the international archival profession.

New browser window will open for the IFLA. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.IFLA. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

Founded in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1927, IFLA is the leading international body that represents the interests of library and information services and their users.

New browser window will open for the IFLA. Cataloguing Section.IFLA. Cataloguing Section

Proposes and develops cataloging rules, guidelines and standards for bibliographic information, taking into account the developing electronic and networked environment in order to promote universal access to and exchange of bibliographic and authority information.

New browser window will open for the IMAP. Independent Media Arts Preservation.IMAP. Independent Media Arts Preservation

Organized in 1999, IMAP is a nonprofit service, education, and advocacy consortium to ensure the preservation of independent electronic media for cultural and educational use by future generations. IMAP works with collections found in museums, arts centers, artists' spaces, dance and theater companies, libraries, university departments, non-profit distributors, public television stations, and with individual artists or producers. The site includes: "Preservation 101", an introduction to the issues surrounding media preservation; a healthy listing of resources at other sites; as well as information on the workshops they offer.

New browser window will open for the JSC. Joint Steering Committee for the Revision of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules.JSC. Joint Steering Committee for the Revision of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules

The body responsible for revisions to AACR2. Current activities encompass incorporating principles underlying AACR2, FRBR terminology, and general material designations.

New browser window will open for the LC. Library of Congress.LC. Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with nearly 128 million items on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. The collections include more than 29 million books and other printed materials, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 57 million manuscripts.

New browser window will open for the LC. Cataloging Directorate.LC. Cataloging Directorate

Provides leadership to the library and information communities in the development of cataloging theory and practice.

New browser window will open for LC CDS.  Cataloging and Distribution Service.LC CDS. Cataloging and Distribution Service

The publishing arm of the Library of Congress. The source for Library of Congress cataloging and authority records, archival moving image cataloging rules, Library of Congress Rule Interpretations for AACR2, etc.

New browser window will open for the LC CPSO. Cataloging Policy and Support Office.LC CPSO. Cataloging Policy and Support Office

The Cataloging Policy and Support Office's mission is to provide leadership in the creation and implementation of cataloging policy within the Library of Congress and in the national and international library community; support the effectiveness of the cataloging staff at the Library of Congress through guidance, advice on cataloging policy and maintenance of bibliographic, authority, and classification records; develop and support national and international standards for structure and content of bibliographic, authority, and classification records through cooperative endeavors.

LC. MBRS. Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division

Responsible for the acquisition, cataloging and preservation of the motion picture and television collections of the Library of Congress. Operates the New browser window will open for the Motion Picture and Television Reading Room. Motion Picture and Television Reading Room to provide access and information services to an international community of film and television professionals, archivists, scholars and researchers.

New browser window will open for the MLA. Music Library Association.MLA. Music Library Association

MLA is the professional organization in the United States devoted to music librarianship and all aspects of music materials in libraries.

New browser window will open for the MLA. Bibliographic Control Committee.MLA. Bibliographic Control Committee

MLA is the professional organization in the United States devoted to music librarianship and all aspects of music materials in libraries.

New browser window will open for the OAI. Open Archives Initiative.OAI. Open Archives Initiative

The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. The Open Archives Initiative has its roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of increasing the availability of scholarly communication. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. The fundamental technological framework and standards that are developing to support this work are, however, independent of the both the type of content offered and the economic mechanisms surrounding that content, and promise to have much broader relevance in opening up access to a range of digital materials. As a result, the Open Archives Initiative is currently an organization and an effort explicitly in transition, and is committed to exploring and enabling this new and broader range of applications. As we gain greater knowledge of the scope of applicability of the underlying technology and standards being developed, and begin to understand the structure and culture of the various adopter communities, we expect that we will have to make continued evolutionary changes to both the mission and organization of the Open Archives Initiative.

New browser window will open for the OCLC. Online Computer Library Corporation.OCLC. Online Computer Library Corporation

A nonprofit, membership, library computer service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing information costs.

New browser window will open for the OLAC. Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc..OLAC. Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc.

OLAC provides a means for exchange of information, continuing education, and communication among catalogers of audiovisual materials and with the Library of Congress. While maintaining a voice with the bibliographic utilities that speak for catalogers of audiovisual materials, OLAC works toward common understanding of AV cataloging practices and standards.

New browser window will open for the OLAC CaPC. OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee.OLAC CaPC. OLAC Cataloging Policy Committee

Represents the concerns of audiovisual materials catalogers in matters relating to the formation, interpretation and implementation of national and international cataloging standards and related matters.

New browser window will open for the PCC. Program for Cooperative Cataloging.PCC. Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Program for Cooperative Cataloging is an international cooperative effort aimed at expanding access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloging that meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world. Its component programs include NACO (name authority), SACO (subject authority), and BIBCO (bibliographic record

New browser window will open for the RLG. Research Libraries Group. RLG. Research Libraries Group

RLG is a not-for-profit membership corporation of over 160 universities, national libraries, archives, historical societies, and other institutions with remarkable collections for research and learning. Rooted in collaborative work that addresses members' shared goals for these collections, RLG develops and operates information resources used by members and nonmembers around the world.

New browser window will open for the SAA. Society of American Archivists.SAA. Society of American Archivists

Founded in 1936, SAA's mission is to serve the educational and informational needs of its members and provide leadership to help ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the historical record of the United States.

New browser window will open for the SAA Description Section.SAA Description Section

The SAA Description Section provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas about all aspects of archival description among those responsible for, involved in, or interested in description projects, descriptive standards, and descriptive systems.

New browser window will open for the SAA Encoded Archival Description Round Table.SAA Encoded Archival Description Round Table

Supports the development and evolution of this emerging descriptive standard for electronic finding aids.

New browser window will open for the SAA Technical Subcommittee on Descriptive Standards.SAA Technical Subcommittee on Descriptive Standards

The Technical Subcommittee on Descriptive Standards (TSDS) is responsible for developing, maintaining, monitoring, and promulgating standards used by archivists' to describe their holdings. This includes descriptive standards developed within the SAA as well as those developed outside the archival community.

New browser window will open for the SAA VM. Visual Materials Section.SAA VM. Visual Materials Section

The SAA group for archivists who administer (collect, arrange, preserve, describe and interpret) still photographs, moving images, art, and graphic materials.

New browser window will open for the SAA VMCART. Visual Materials Cataloging and Access Roundtable.SAA VMCART. Visual Materials Cataloging and Access Roundtable

The SAA group which provides a forum for archivists with visual collections to discuss cataloging and access issues.

New browser window will open for the SLA. Special Libraries Association. SLA. Special Libraries Association

SLA promotes and strengthens its members through learning, advocacy, and networking initiatives.

New browser window will open for the SLA Information Technology Division.SLA Information Technology Division

The Information Technology Division encompasses the planning, development, and practical application of existing and new technologies and systems for the processing and control of information, in any subject discipline and in any form, for its eventual retrieval and use convenient to the requester.

New browser window will open for the ViDe. Video Development Initiative. ViDe. Video Development Initiative

ViDe promotes the deployment of digital video in research and higher education. Leveraging our collective resources and expertise, ViDe advances digital video deployment through promotion and development of interoperable, standardized, and cost-effective technologies.

New browser window will open for the VRA. Visual Resources Association. VRA. Visual Resources Association

VRA is a multi-disciplinary community of image management professionals working in educational and cultural heritage environments. The Association is committed to providing leadership in the field, developing and advocating standards, and providing educational tools and opportunities for its members.

New browser window will open for the VRA. Data Standards Committee.VRA. Data Standards Committee

The Data Standards Committee works to meet the visual resources community's growing need to manage complex visual collections in the networked environment, promoting standards that facilitate the management, organization, and exchange of information.

New browser window will open for the WC3. World Wide Web Consortium. WC3. World Wide Web Consortium

By promoting interoperability and encouraging an open forum for discussion, W3C commits to leading the technical evolution of the Web.

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Updated: October 16, 2006
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