September 24, 1999

The Honorable T. J. Glauthier
Deputy Secretary of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585-1000

Dear Mr. Glauthier:

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) is delighted to note that you are today honoring Mr. Michael Glasman, of the Y-12 Plant, as the Department of Energy (DOE) Facility Representative of the Year. As generally known, the Board always has considered the Facility Representative Program to be one of DOE's most useful and productive tools for maintaining the safety of the public, the safety of the worker, and value to the taxpayer. In furtherance of the Board's Recommendation 92-2, the Facility Representative Program has clearly contributed to increased excellence in operation of your facilities.

Just as clearly, DOE has selected some of the very best of its young engineers and managers for this difficult but rewarding assignment. The Board believes that a successful tour as a Facility Representative is an excellent, perhaps indispensable, preparation for wider responsibility in DOE management of its technical and industrial facilities. We hope that DOE area and site managers also agree that this is the case and will provide promotion opportunities and suitable follow-on assignments to this remarkable group of technical experts.

As you honor Mr. Glasman today, we hope you will communicate to your area and site managers the importance of selecting and rewarding these excellent and enthusiastic employees.


John T. Conway

c: Mr. Mark B. Whitaker, Jr.