CarbonTracker 3D
A selection of CarbonTracker results can now be viewed through Google Earth™. Please consider the following:

  • Use of this feature requires you to download the application Google Earth™. Please check system requirements before proceeding.

  • Google Earth™ is a registered trademark of Google Inc.. This software will run on your own computer. NOAA ESRL is not responsible for its use or maintenance.

  • CarbonTracker for Google Earth™ will connect to the NOAA ESRL server to retrieve information. You need an active internet connection. We recommend a broadband internet connection.

  • The most accurate and up-to-date CarbonTracker results will always be found on our webpages, NOT through this application.

  • The file needed to see our results on Google Earth™ will be downloaded to your computer and is ~300kb in size. Once downloaded, double click on the .kmz file to start.
    Note: if the file extension comes out anything different than .kmz (Safari might create a .jar file for instance), simply rename the file to end with .kmz.

Click here to download the CarbonTracker in Google Earth™ file.