
David G. Ahern


Portfolio Systems Acquisition

Mr. Ahern is the Director for Portfolio Systems Acquisition in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology). His office provides portfolio management, technical and programmatic evaluation, and functional oversight for Department of Defense strategic and tactical programs in support of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics).

Mr. Ahern was previously Professor of Program Management and Director of the Center for Program Management at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Fort Belvoir, VA. While at DAU, Mr. Ahern also served as an Executive Course Learning Team Mentor and Instructor at the Defense System Management College School of Program Management.

A native of Connecticut, Mr. Ahern was a career Naval Officer after graduating from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. He is also a graduate of the Navy Postgraduate School, and Defense Systems Management College. Mr. Ahern's sea duty was as a Naval Aviator in the RA5C Vigilante during multiple deployments to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and as Executive and Commanding Officer of Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron Thirty Three (VAQ-33). Ashore, he was Head, Tactical Command and Control Branch on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations; Project Officer in the Navy Space Project (PM-16); Class 2 Program Manager at the Joint JTIDS Program Office (ESD — TD); Program Manager Navy Tactical Data Link Systems (PMW/PMA 159); and Deputy Program Executive Office Space, Communications and Sensors (PEO-SCS).

Following retirement from the Navy, and prior to his appointment to the DAU faculty, Mr. Ahern held business development, program management, and business unit positions in the development of tactical information systems with General Dynamics Information Systems Company and the Northrop Grumman Electronics System Sector.

Page Last Upated: January 5, 2009