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Foodservice Professionals

Foodservice professionals are a vital link to children. You can help children be healthier, now and in years to come. As a school foodservice professional, you are part of a proud tradition. Since 1946, the National School Lunch Program has provided financial support and federally purchased commodities to help schools and residential child care institutions serve nourishing, well-balanced meals to children. Many schools have also joined the School Breakfast Program to offer morning meals that help children be ready to learn.

While these programs have always been a partnership between the federal government, states, and local communities, you and your colleagues in schools have been – and still are – the vital link to children. Today, your role is even more important than ever.

Americans typically consume more calories than they expend, which can lead to overweight and obesity. Many of us also eat more fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium than is recommended – and too few grains, vegetables and fruits.

You can make a difference.

You and your colleagues across the country have played a huge part in our Nation's battle against hunger and malnutrition. You've made a difference in the lives of millions of children. The food you provide helps them be ready to learn. The choices you offer can help them build healthy lifestyles.

We hope you find many useful resources on our site to help you work toward your goal.

The Healthy Meals Resource System is Team Nutrition's Training and Technical Assistance component. The site was developed by USDA's Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) with the cooperation of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Maryland.

Mealtalk is an e-mail discussion group intended as a communication tool to link the professionals who are operating the Child Nutrition Programs, such as the National School Lunch Program and the Child and Adult Care Food Program, so that they can share resources, information and innovative solutions to common day-to-day problems.

Resources for Foodservice Professionals



Nutrition Education Materials

Training and Technical Assistance Manuals