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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Hydrothermal Mineralogy of Core from Geothermal Drill Holes at Newberry Volcano, Oregon

-- Bargar, K.E., and Keith, T.E., 1999,
Hydrothermal Mineralogy of Core from Geothermal Drill Holes at Newberry Volcano, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1578

Twenty geothermal exploration drill holes, funded by both industry and various government agencies, were completed between 1976 and 1986 on the flanks and within the caldera of Newberry volcano, central Oregon. These holes were drilled in order to evaluate the geothermal energy potential of this young Cascade volcano. Part of the evaluation process involved studies of the hydrothermal alteration mineralogy in nine of the drill holes. -- Bargar and Keith, 1999

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03/28/06, Lyn Topinka