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Great Lakes and Ohio River Division RIT
Gulf Region Integration
Mississippi Valley Division RIT
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Southwestern Division RIT
Mississippi Valley Division RIT 
Mississippi Valley Division Regional Integration Team (MVD RIT)  
The Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) RIT provides centralized headquarters support to 6 districts located along the entire length of the Mississippi River. Its mission is to “provide flood protection, navigation, environmental protection and enhancement, emergency operations, work for others, and homeland security for the Mississippi Valley region.” The Division’s districts carry out the work of the Mississippi River Commission, which oversees the implementation of the comprehensive Mississippi River and Tributaries project under supervision of the Chief of Engineers.

Besides performing civil works and military water resource services and infrastructure, the division also maintains a trained organization expertly capable of supporting a mobilization of the U.S. Army for war-fighting capability. MVD’s St. Louis District conducts radiological cleanups under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), which addresses the radiological contamination generated by activities of the Manhattan Engineer District, and the Atomic Energy Commission (MED/AEC) during development of the atomic weapons in the 1940s and 50s.

The six districts in the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) area of responsibility are:

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