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Combined Statements of Budgetary Resources

US Department of Health and Human Services

For the Years Ended September 30, 2007 and 2006
(In Millions)
Budgetary Resources20072006
Credit Program

Financing Accounts
Credit Program

Financing Accounts
Unobligated Balance, Brought Forward, October 1:$       67,726$      194$        18,001$     206
Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations  
Budget Authority  
     Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections  
        Change in Receivables from Federal sources650-(77)-
     Change in unfilled customer orders  
        Advance received13-37-
        Without advance from Federal sources(1,406)-1,903-
     Expenditure Transfers from trust funds  
        Change in Receivables from Trust Funds            290              -                 -                 -
     Subtotal         946,15%            29       960,298             176
Nonexpenditure transfers, net, anticipated and actual(91)-59-
Temporarily not available pursuant to Public Law(20,607)-(34,551)-
Permanently not available (-)        (29,619)          (29)        (5,847)                 -
Total Budgetary Resources             $     981,151             $      194      $       952,441           $     382
Status of Budgetary Resources:
Obligations Incurred  
     Direct$      949,517 $          49$       877,128$         4
     Reimbursable            7,105              -               7,587           184
     Subtotal        956,622            49           884,715           188
Unobligated Balances – Available  
     Exempt from apportionment              126              -                  73               -
     Subtotal         17,281            58            60,148           106
Unobligated Balances - Not Available           7,248            87              7,578             88
Total Status of Budgetary Resources $     981,151  $      194   $      952,441   $      382
Change in Obligated Balance:
Obligated Balance, Net  
     Unpaid obligations, brought forward, October 1$     142,161$         3$      123,768$          -
     Uncollected customer payments from Federal sources, brought
     forward, October 1
     Total unpaid obligated balance, net134,8343118,068-
Obligations incurred net956,62249884,715188
Gross outlays(938,981)(52)(851,874)(185)
Obligated Balance Transferred, Net  
     Actual transfers, unpaid obligations              18                   -                   -                  -
Total Unpaid obligated balance transferred, net18---
Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, actual(17,604)-(14,481)-
Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources466-1,739-
Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period  
     Unpaid Obligations142,248-142,1613
     Uncollected customer payments from Federal sources(6,893)-(7,327)-
     Total, unpaid obligated balance, net, end of period135,355-134,8343
Net Outlays    
     Gross outlays938,98152851,874185
     Offsetting collections(9,442)(28)(10,338)(172)
     Distributed Offsetting receipts    (257,704)            -     (226,844)         (31)
Net Outlays$    671,835 $      24$      614,692$     (18)


The accompanying "Notes to the Financial Statements" are an integral part of these statements. 

Report Date: November 15, 2007


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