
New browser window will open for the American Cinematographer. 1920-present. Hollywood: American Society of Cinematographers. American Cinematographer. 1920-present. Hollywood: American Society of Cinematographers

The self-proclaimed “international Journal of Film and Digital Production Techniques” contains both highly technical articles as well as ones of interest to the public and film historians.

New browser window will open for the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC).  "Caring for your home videotape". American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). "Caring for your home videotape"

This short page serves as a primer on videotape, covering such issues as composition, storage and handling, restoration, and playback devices. While very useful, it does not go into any great detail on any one topic.

New browser window will open for the American Society of Cinematographers. American Cinematographer Manual. Los Angeles: American Society of Cinematographers, 1930-1993. [In eighth edition.]. American Society of Cinematographers. American Cinematographer Manual. Los Angeles: American Society of Cinematographers, 1930-1993. [In eighth edition.]

While intended for cinematographers and others in film production, "the filmmaker's bible" contains extensive technical data on camera equipment and film stocks.

New browser window will open for the Archives Association of British Columbia. 2004. Preservation, Conservation and Emergency Planning. Vancouver (British Columbia): Archives Association of British Columbia. Archives Association of British Columbia. 2004. Preservation, Conservation and Emergency Planning. Vancouver (British Columbia): Archives Association of British Columbia.

Offers several links to Web sites pertaining to the preservation and conservation of photographic media.

New browser window will open for the Archives de l’Ontario. 2003. Films et enregistrements sonores. Toronto (Ontario): Archives de l’Ontario. Archives de l’Ontario. 2003. Films et enregistrements sonores. Toronto (Ontario): Archives de l’Ontario.

Introduction à la présevation des films et enregistremens sonores, avec étude de cas illustrée.

New browser window will open for the Archives nationales du Canada. 1998. Examen de la politique sur les longs métrages. Ottawa (Ontario): Patrimoine Canada. Archives nationales du Canada. 1998. Examen de la politique sur les longs métrages. Ottawa (Ontario): Patrimoine Canada.

Commentaires des Archives nationales du Canada sur le but de la préservation des longs métrages et crédit d’impôt.

New browser window will open for the Archives nationales du Canada. 2001. Conservation des archives audiovisuelles. Ottawa (Ontario): Archives nationales du Canada. Archives nationales du Canada. 2001. Conservation des archives audiovisuelles. Ottawa (Ontario): Archives nationales du Canada.

Présentation des laboratoires de préservation des archives audiovisuelles des Archives nationales du Canada.

New browser window will open for the Archives of Ontario. 2003. Sound and Moving Images. Toronto (Ontario): Archives of Ontario. Archives of Ontario. 2003. Sound and Moving Images. Toronto (Ontario): Archives of Ontario.

Introduction to the preservation of films and sound recordings with an illustrated case study.

New browser window will open for the Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA) Online: abstracts of international conservation literature. Getty Conservation Institute; International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA) Online: abstracts of international conservation literature. Getty Conservation Institute; International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

“AATA Online is a comprehensive database of 100,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.”

New browser window will open for the Association of Cinema and Video Laboratories. Recommended Procedures for Motion Picture and Video Laboratory Services. Association of Cinema and Video Laboratories. Recommended Procedures for Motion Picture and Video Laboratory Services.

Provides insight to the processes used by labs. Includes a glossary of video terms and definitions.

New browser window will open for the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Film and Videotape Storage Standards and Guidelines. Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Film and Videotape Storage Standards and Guidelines.

Information on standards related to the storage and care of moving image materials.

New browser window will open for the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Videotape Preservation Fact Sheets. Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Videotape Preservation Fact Sheets.

Written by a pioneer in the development of videotape, the AMIA Fact Sheets provide useful tips on how to extend the life of videotape.

New browser window will open for the Audio-Visual Preservation Trust of Canada. 2002. Neighbours: a case study in restoration. Ottawa (Ontario): Audio-Visual Preservation Trust of Canada. Audio-Visual Preservation Trust of Canada. 2002. Neighbours: a case study in restoration. Ottawa (Ontario): Audio-Visual Preservation Trust of Canada.

Case study: the restoration of the film "Neighbours" by the Canadian Film Board.

New browser window will open for the Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate (ANICA) -- Assessment Guidelines. Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate (ANICA) -- Assessment Guidelines.

Bibliographic resources from ANICA, a group devoted to “sharing information and accessing resources about preserving cellulose acetate collections in Australia.”

New browser window will open for the Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate (ANICA) -- Annotated Bibliography and Useful Links. Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate (ANICA) -- Annotated Bibliography and Useful Links.

"This annotated bibliography gives a list of sources of information related to cellulose acetate preservation that the National Library of Australia found useful during the Cellulose Acetate Project."

New browser window will open for the Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate (ANICA) -- Storage of Cellulose Acetate Collections: A Preliminary Survey of Issues and Options. Australian Network for Information on Cellulose Acetate (ANICA) -- Storage of Cellulose Acetate Collections: A Preliminary Survey of Issues and Options

A thorough source of information about caring for cellulose acetate-based materials, which are ubiquitous in film and sound archives.

New browser window will open for the Bayens, Stuart. 2004. Film Preservation. Edmonton (Alberta): Edmonton Public Library. Bayens, Stuart. 2004. Film Preservation. Edmonton (Alberta): Edmonton Public Library.

Offers links to several film preservation Web sites.

New browser window will open for the Béland, Marie-Claude. 2001. Aperçu des pratiques de préservation et de restauration des films et leurs bandes sonores. Le portrait proposé par la restauration de la trilogie de Star Wars. Cursus 6 (1). Béland, Marie-Claude. 2001. Aperçu des pratiques de préservation et de restauration des films et leurs bandes sonores. Le portrait proposé par la restauration de la trilogie de Star Wars. Cursus 6 (1).

Survol des techniques de préservation et restauration des films et bandes sonores. Étude de cas.

New browser window will open for the Besser, Howard. 2001. "Digital preservation of moving image material?" The Moving Image 1 (March 2001):39-55. Besser, Howard. 2001. "Digital preservation of moving image material?" The Moving Image 1 (March 2001):39-55.

Article assessing the impact of digital and broadband technology on moving image production, distribution and preservation.

New browser window will open for the Bogart, John W. C. 1995. Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling: a Guide for Libraries and Archives. Washington, D.C.: The Commission for Preservation and Access. Bogart, John W. C. 1995. Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling: a Guide for Libraries and Archives. Washington, D.C.: The Commission for Preservation and Access.

A landmark publication, “this report is a joint project of the Commission on Preservation and Access and the National Media Laboratory, developed within the Commission's Preservation Science Research initiative. The initiative encourages new techniques and technologies to manage chemical deterioration in library and archival collections and to extend their useful life.” Emphasis on storage and care of magnetic media.

New browser window will open for the Brownlow, Kevin, 1980. Silent films: what was the right speed? Sight and Sound 49:164-167. Brownlow, Kevin, 1980. Silent films: what was the right speed? Sight and Sound 49:164-167.

Fascinating article on the always-perplexing issue of projection speeds for silent films, an era when projectionists mattered more than one might think.

New browser window will open for the Byers, Fred R. 2003. Care and Handling for the Preservation of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources. Byers, Fred R. 2003. Care and Handling for the Preservation of CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists. Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources.

“This document is a joint project of the Council on Library and Information Resources and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to provide information relating to CDs and DVDs.”

New browser window will open for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Archives. 2004. Preservation and Restoration. Toronto (Ontario): Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Archives. 2004. Preservation and Restoration. Toronto (Ontario): Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Illustrated tour of the preservation and restoration activities of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Archives.

New browser window will open for the Canadian Conservation Institute. 2002. How to Care for Video Tapes. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Conservation Institute. Canadian Conservation Institute. 2002. How to Care for Video Tapes. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Conservation Institute.

Technical advice on the care and handling of video tapes.

New browser window will open for the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN).

Extensive “bibliographic resource for the conservation, preservation and restoration of cultural property.” In English and French.

New browser window will open for the Canadian Society of Cinematographers. 1998. Restoring Film History: Bush Pilot Wins New Wings / Movietone Newsreels Get a Facelift. Toronto: Canadian Society of Cinematographers. Canadian Society of Cinematographers. 1998. Restoring Film History: Bush Pilot Wins New Wings / Movietone Newsreels Get a Facelift. Toronto: Canadian Society of Cinematographers.

Stresses the importance of film restoration. Case study using the classic Canadian feature, Bush Pilot.

New browser window will open for the Child, Margaret S. 1993. Directory of Information Sources on Scientific Research Related to the Preservation of Sound Recordings, Still and Moving Images and Magnetic Tape. Washington, D.C.: The Commission on Preservation and Access. Child, Margaret S. 1993. Directory of Information Sources on Scientific Research Related to the Preservation of Sound Recordings, Still and Moving Images and Magnetic Tape. Washington, D.C.: The Commission on Preservation and Access.

While slightly out of date, this listing still provides useful information about key sources in the field.

New browser window will open for the Chute, David. Film Preservation at the (Digital) Crossroads. Chute, David. Film Preservation at the (Digital) Crossroads.

Intended for non-technical audience, assesses what might happen to film distribution and preservation as we enter the digital era.

New browser window will open for the Ciletti, Eddie, 1998. If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Have Baked You a Tape (A Recipe for Tape Restoration). Ciletti, Eddie, 1998. If I Knew You Were Coming I’d Have Baked You a Tape (A Recipe for Tape Restoration).

An amusing technical primer on “baking” tapes as preparation for their transfer: “The Dehydrator is perfect for tapes, bananas and sun-dried tomatoes.”

New browser window will open for the Cohen, Elizabeth, 2001. Preservation of Audio. Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources. Cohen, Elizabeth, 2001. Preservation of Audio. Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources.

CLIR paper on the preservation of recorded folk collections.

New browser window will open for the Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec. 2001. Synthèse des normes applicables à la conservation et à la manipulation des documents sur support filmique et sur plaque de verre. Montréal (Québec): Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec. Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec. 2001. Synthèse des normes applicables à la conservation et à la manipulation des documents sur support filmique et sur plaque de verre. Montréal (Québec): Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec.

Étude réalisée par le Groupe de travail sur la conservation des collections du Sous-comité des bibliothèques.

Conservation Administration News. 1979-1995. Austin: Preservation and Conservation Studies, University of Texas at Austin.

A newsletter aimed at library and archives conservation professionals.

New browser window will open for the Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation of Audio Materials. Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation of Audio Materials.

A Web page of interest to moving image archivists available through CoOL, a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries to provide a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials.

New browser window will open for the Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation of Motion Picture Film. Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation of Motion Picture Film.

A Web page of interest to moving image archivists available through CoOL, a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries to provide a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials.

New browser window will open for the Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation of Video. Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Preservation of Video.

A Web page of interest to moving image archivists available through CoOL, a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries to provide a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials.

Davidson, Steven, and Gregory Lukow, eds. 1997. Administration of TV Newsfilm and Videotape: A Curatorial Manual. Los Angeles and Miami: American Film Institute and Louis Wolfson II Media History Center.

Handbook focusing specifically on television news collections, but containing valuable information on 16mm collections in general. Available New browser window will open for the Davidson, Steven, and Gregory Lukow, eds. 1997. Administration of TV Newsfilm and Videotape: A Curatorial Manual. Los Angeles and Miami: American Film Institute and Louis Wolfson II Media History Center. in print from the Society of American Archivists.

New browser window will open for the Despas, Bruno. Conservation, restauration et valorisation du film d'entreprise. France: Centrimage. Despas, Bruno. Conservation, restauration et valorisation du film d'entreprise. France: Centrimage.

Examen des différents supports physiques successivement utilisés pour le tournage et la diffusion des films industriels, des possibilités de restauration et du rôle du numérique.

New browser window will open for the Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Foire aux questions relatives aux soins des enregistrements vidéo et audio. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien de conservation. Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Foire aux questions relatives aux soins des enregistrements vidéo et audio. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien de conservation.

Conseils relatifs à la présevation des enregistrements vidéo.

New browser window will open for the Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Foire aux questions relatives aux soins des photographies, des images numériques et des films. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien de conservation. Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Foire aux questions relatives aux soins des photographies, des images numériques et des films. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien de conservation

Conseils relatifs à la conservation des films.

New browser window will open for the Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Frequently Asked Questions on Caring for Photographs, Digital Images and Films. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Conservation Institute. Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Frequently Asked Questions on Caring for Photographs, Digital Images and Films. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Conservation Institute.

Technical advice on the care and handling of films.

New browser window will open for the Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Frequently Asked Questions on Caring for Video and Audio Recordings. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Conservation Institute. Dicks, Christopher. 2004. Frequently Asked Questions on Caring for Video and Audio Recordings. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Conservation Institute.

Technical advice on the care and handling of video tapes.

New browser window will open for the Diggeller, Kurt. 1999. La conservation du patrimoine audiovisuel : stratégie et pratique. Budapest: Conférence internationale de la table ronde des archives. Diggeller, Kurt. 1999. La conservation du patrimoine audiovisuel : stratégie et pratique. Budapest: Conférence internationale de la table ronde des archives.

Étude réalisée dans le cadre de la Conférence internationale de la table ronde des archives.

New browser window will open for the Edmondson, Ray. 2004. Audiovisual Archiving: Philosophy and Principles. UNESCO. Edmondson, Ray. 2004. Audiovisual Archiving: Philosophy and Principles. UNESCO.

"A revision of the Philosophy of Audiovisual Archiving published by UNESCO in 1998. This revised and renamed document reflects the changes that have occurred in the audiovisual archiving field, in the intervening period, ranging from the challenges of digitization and technological changes."

New browser window will open for the European Polymer Journal. 1965-present. Oxford; New York: Pergamon Press. European Polymer Journal. 1965-present. Oxford; New York: Pergamon Press.

Journal serving as a “medium for the exchange of research in the area of macromolecular substances, both synthetic and natural, and publishes results bearing on the physics or chemistry of polymers. Papers may fall either into the category of original papers dealing with substances of high molecular weight, or that of review articles covering the literature on topical aspects of polymer science.”

New browser window will open for the Film Forever. The Home Film Preservation Guide. Film Forever. The Home Film Preservation Guide.

Simple guidelines for preserving motion picture film materials outside of specialized archives, with a focus on storage at home.

New browser window will open for the Fontaine, Jean-Marc. 1998. Protection et mise en valeur du patrimoine des bibliothèques, recommandations techniques : chapitre 10, Conservation des documents sonores et audiovisuels. Paris. Fontaine, Jean-Marc. 1998. Protection et mise en valeur du patrimoine des bibliothèques, recommandations techniques : chapitre 10, Conservation des documents sonores et audiovisuels. Paris.

Donne quelques descriptions et surtout des recommandations au sujet de trois types d’enregistrements : conservation des supports gravés (principaux supports et précautions de lecture), conservation des bandes magnétiques et conservation des disques compacts.

New browser window will open for the Gateway for Resources and Information on Preservation (GRIP). Gateway for Resources and Information on Preservation (GRIP)

“GRIP is a fully searchable database of information on preservation of the documentary heritage. It contains selected and annotated references to literature on preservation-related topics, links to Web sites, projects, organizations and discussion groups.”

Geller, S. B. 1983. Care and handling of computer magnetic storage media. NBS Special Publication 500-101. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards.

Topics covered included proper care and handling methods under various conditions, long-term storage, maintenance programs, handling and environmental effects, and disaster response.

New browser window will open for the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 1980. Recommendation for the safeguarding and preservation of moving images. Adopted at the 21st session, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 1980. Recommendation for the safeguarding and preservation of moving images. Adopted at the 21st session, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Historic 1980 UNESCO resolution noting the historic importance of moving images and urging that member states preserve these collections.

New browser window will open for the Gouvernement du Québec. 2003. Politique québécoise du cinéma et de la production audiovisuelle. Québec (Québec): Gouvernement du Québec. Gouvernement du Québec. 2003. Politique québécoise du cinéma et de la production audiovisuelle. Québec (Québec): Gouvernement du Québec

Politique québécoise du cinéma et de la production audiovisuelle du Gouvernement du Québec. Un paragraphe sur la préservation donne une idée de la position du Québec sur cette problématique.

New browser window will open for the Groupe de travail sur la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine audio-visuel canadien. 1995. Options stratégiques pour assurer la protection et l'accès à notre mémoire audio-visuelle. Ottawa (Ontario): Groupe de travail sur la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine audio-visuel canadien. Groupe de travail sur la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine audio-visuel canadien. 1995. Options stratégiques pour assurer la protection et l'accès à notre mémoire audio-visuelle. Ottawa (Ontario): Groupe de travail sur la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine audio-visuel canadien.

Plan d'action permettant aux générations actuelles et futures de profiter des films, des bandes vidéo et des enregistrements sonores (des productions du passé mais aussi de celles à venir) qui sont conservés dans des centres d'archives à travers le Canada.

New browser window will open for the Groupe Film Memoriav. 2001. Recommandations pour la conservation des films. Bern: Groupe Film Memoriav. Groupe Film Memoriav. 2001. Recommandations pour la conservation des films. Bern: Groupe Film Memoriav.

Définitions, recommandations et écueils potentiels dans la conservation des films.

New browser window will open for the Hall, Stephanie A. Preserving Sound Recordings. Hall, Stephanie A. Preserving Sound Recordings.

Brief overview of sound preservation, provided by the Library of Congress' Save our Sounds project, an official project of the Save America's Treasures program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Hendriks, K.B., B. Thurgood, J. Iraci, B. Lesser and G. Hill. 1991. Fundamentals of Photograph Conservation: A Study Guide. Toronto and Ottawa: Lugus Publications, in cooperation with National Archives of Canada and Supply and Services Canada.

Comprehensive guide including laboratory experiments, processing, duplication and copying, conservation, chemical treatments, preservation and storage. Contains a wealth of practical information including procedures, materials and apparatus.

New browser window will open for the Heritage Resource Management Associates. 1998. An Audio Visual Archives Reader. Heritage Resource Management Associates. 1998. An Audio Visual Archives Reader.

Exhaustive listing of audio-visual related journal articles, books and other written documents.

New browser window will open for the Hollywood Vaults. Resources. Hollywood Vaults. Resources.

Extensive directory of preservation facilities, suppliers, associations, labs, services and much else.

Houston, Penelope. 1994. Keepers of the Frame: The Film Archives. London: British Film Institute.

History of the archive movement from a European perspective.

New browser window will open for the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1965-present. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1965-present. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Bimonthly journal focusing on “areas of science and technology related to the basic physics of magnetism, magnetic materials, applied magnetics, and magnetic devices.”

New browser window will open for the Image Permanence Institute. Bibliography. Image Permanence Institute. Bibliography.

“Papers and articles, written by members of the IPI research staff on a variety of permanence issues”

New browser window will open for the Independent Media Arts Preservation. Preservation 101. Independent Media Arts Preservation. Preservation 101.

A primer on media preservation issues presented by IMAP, "a nonprofit service, education, and advocacy organization committed to the preservation of non-commercial electronic media."

New browser window will open for the Institut canadien de conservation. 2002. Comment prendre soin des bandes vidéo. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien de conservation. Institut canadien de conservation. 2002. Comment prendre soin des bandes vidéo. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien de conservation.

Conseils relatifs à la conservation des bandes vidéo.

New browser window will open for the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM). On-line Library Catalogue. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM). On-line Library Catalogue.

An online catalog of electronic and print information resources concerning preservation. In English and French.

New browser window will open for the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF). 1991. Handling, Storage and Transport of Cellulose Nitrate Film. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives. International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF). 1991. Handling, Storage and Transport of Cellulose Nitrate Film. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives.

Link leads to ordering Information.

New browser window will open for the Journal of Film Preservation. 1993-present. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF). Journal of Film Preservation. 1993-present. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF).

“The Journal of Film Preservation is the Federation's main periodical publication in paper format. It offers a forum for both general and specialized discussion on all theoretical and technical aspects of moving image archival activities.”

New browser window will open for the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 1992-present. Springfield, Va.: Society for Imaging Science and Technology. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. 1992-present. Springfield, Va.: Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

Produced by the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, “the pages of the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology provide the imaging community documentation of a broad range of research, development and applications in imaging. The selection of papers reflects the role of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) as a window on imaging, promoting communication and understanding across the boundaries of the many disciplines involved in modern imaging. We focus on imaging in all its aspects, with particular emphasis on silver halide, digital printing, electronic imaging, photofinishing, image preservation, image assessment, pre-press technologies and hybrid imaging systems.”

New browser window will open for the Journal of Photographic Science. 1953-1996. London: Royal Photographic Society. Journal of Photographic Science. 1953-1996. London: Royal Photographic Society.

The Imaging Science Journal (formerly The Journal of Photographic Science) is "the official learned Journal of the Royal Photographic Society. It is concerned with research and development in all areas of imaging science and related disciplines and the Journal aims to maintain coverage of traditional areas of photographic science while attracting submissions and readers in the new technologies.”

New browser window will open for the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. 1953-present. New York: Audio Engineering Society. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. 1953-present. New York: Audio Engineering Society.

“Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, the official publication of the AES, is the only peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to audio technology. . . It contains state-of-the-art technical papers and engineering reports; features covering timely topics; pre and post reports of AES conventions and other society activities; news of AES sections around the world; standards and Education Committee work; membership, patents, new products, and newsworthy developments.”

New browser window will open for the Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. 1916-present. Scarsdale, N.Y.: The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. 1916-present. Scarsdale, N.Y.: The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.

The SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal “serves as a gateway to the world of motion imaging. Each issue provides the latest research and papers, ranging in style from technical, scientific, and tutorial, to applications/practices. As well, SMPTE Journal readers are kept up-to-date on events and meetings, the latest publications and brochures, and new products and developments.”

New browser window will open for the Jovanovic, Stefan. 2003. The ending(s) of cinema: notes on the recurrent demise of the seventh art. Offscreen. Jovanovic, Stefan. 2003. The ending(s) of cinema: notes on the recurrent demise of the seventh art. Offscreen.

Reflects on the death-of-cinema debate, in part fueled by the disappearance of films due to negligence or nitrate decomposition.

New browser window will open for the Keyes, Daniel. 2001. Nitrate film. Kelowna (British Columbia): Okanagan University College. Keyes, Daniel. 2001. Nitrate film. Kelowna (British Columbia): Okanagan University College.

Presents the challenges of preserving moving images on a nitrate support.

New browser window will open for the Kodak. Film Storage and Handling. Kodak. Film Storage and Handling.

A detailed guide to proper film storage and handling.

New browser window will open for the Kodak. Motion Picture Film FAQ. Kodak. Motion Picture Film FAQ.

Answers to many questions about motion picture film, with an obvious focus on Kodak products.

New browser window will open for the Kromer, Reto. 2004. Conservation et restauration des films. Switzerland. Kromer, Reto. 2004. Conservation et restauration des films. Switzerland.

Bibliographie récente et exhaustive sur la conservation et restauration des films.

Kulka, Edward. 1995. Archival Enclosures: A Guide. Ottawa: Canadian Council of Archives

Includes chapter on machine-readable data carriers i.e., audio tapes, microforms, motion-picture films, and other photographic records. Covers production and suppliers, glossary and bibliography.

New browser window will open for the Laboratoire d'Informatique et d'Imagerie Industrielle, Université de La Rochelle. restauration numérique de documents cinématographiques. La Rochelle. Laboratoire d'Informatique et d'Imagerie Industrielle, Université de La Rochelle. restauration numérique de documents cinématographiques. La Rochelle.

Partie du site du Laboratoire dont deux des missions sont l’analyse et la synthèse d’image et le génie informatique des systèmes à l’image. Les projets « Retouche » et « Limelight » sur la restauration numérique de données cinématographiques y sont expliqués.

New browser window will open for the Library of Congress. 1993. Film Preservation 1993: a study of the current state of American film preservation. A report of the Librarian of Congress, in consultation with the National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress. 2 Volumes. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. Library of Congress. 1993. Film Preservation 1993: a study of the current state of American film preservation. A report of the Librarian of Congress, in consultation with the National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress. 2 Volumes. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office.

A seminal report by the Librarian of Congress mandated by the National Film Preservation Act of 1992, "Film Preservation 1993 is a snapshot of film preservation as it is practiced today in the U.S. film industry and in public and nonprofit organizations."

New browser window will open for the Library of Congress. 1994. Redefining film preservation: a national plan. Recommendations of the Librarian of Congress in consultation with the National Film Preservation Board. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress. Library of Congress. 1994. Redefining film preservation: a national plan. Recommendations of the Librarian of Congress in consultation with the National Film Preservation Board. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress.

"Redefining Film Preservation is an action plan to save America's motion picture heritage. Concluding a two-part process mandated by the National Film Preservation Act of 1992, it builds from the study Film Preservation 1993 and presents recommendations by the Librarian of Congress and the National Film Preservation Board. The plan integrates agreements by five working groups of archivists, educators, filmmakers, industry executives, and other participants in the earlier fact-finding study."

New browser window will open for the Library of Congress. 1997. Television and video preservation 1997. Library of Congress. 1997. Television and video preservation 1997.

Study to assess the state of American television and video preservation. "Key objectives of the report are to lay down a factual foundation for understanding the issues confronting the preservation of American television and video, and to recommend a national plan of action based upon a broad consensus of the archival community."

New browser window will open for the Library of Congress. Care, Handling, and Storage of Motion Picture Film. Library of Congress. Care, Handling, and Storage of Motion Picture Film.

Brief overview of handling and storage of nitrate, safety, color, and black & white film.

New browser window will open for the Library Preservation at Harvard "Care and Handling of Videotape". Library Preservation at Harvard "Care and Handling of Videotape"

Basic bibliography on handling videotape.

New browser window will open for the MacQueen, Scott, and Phil Feiner. August 2000. First person: restoring film with digital recombination. Millimeter. MacQueen, Scott, and Phil Feiner. August 2000. First person: restoring film with digital recombination. Millimeter.

Article on the recent Disney/Pacific Title Cinetech restoration of the classic film “Nothing Sacred,” and the use of digital recombination techniques. Also contains an annotated list of film restoration labs.

Mc Greevey, Tom, and Joanne L. Yeck. 1997. Our Movie Heritage. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

A non-technical narrative, "the book explains the basics of film preservation . . . with top archivists and film restoration experts expressing their concerns and hopes for the future of movies."

New browser window will open for the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France). 2000. Conservation préventive du patrimoine documentaire, documents optiques. Paris. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France). 2000. Conservation préventive du patrimoine documentaire, documents optiques. Paris.

Donne une typologie assez complète des différents supports optiques depuis leurs inventions. Énumère ensuite les types de dégradations pouvant altérer la qualité du matériau. Propose enfin les mesures préventives à appliquer. Présence d’illustrations, de tableaux explicatifs et des normes en vigueur. Présence d’illustrations, de tableaux explicatifs et des normes en vigueur.

New browser window will open for the Moreau, Jean-Paul. 1995. La sélection et la préservation des documents vidéo. Archives 27(2). Moreau, Jean-Paul. 1995. La sélection et la préservation des documents vidéo. Archives 27(2).

Synthèse des tendances de l’archivistique actuelle relatives aux documents vidéo.

New browser window will open for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

Provides a brief answer to the question, “Should I convert my home movies to videotape?”

New browser window will open for the National Archives of Canada. 1998. Feature Film Policy Review 1998. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Heritage. National Archives of Canada. 1998. Feature Film Policy Review 1998. Ottawa (Ontario): Canadian Heritage

Addresses the issues of film preservation and policy. Argues for a film preservation tax credit.

New browser window will open for the National Film Board. 2000. Documentary in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Montreal (Quebec): National Film Board. National Film Board. 2000. Documentary in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Montreal (Quebec): National Film Board

Interview with Okajima Hisashi, Curator, National Film Center, Tokyo. Discusses digital technologies used in film preservation and restoration.

New browser window will open for the National Film Preservation Foundation.  2004.  Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums. San Francisco, CA: NFPF. National Film Preservation Foundation. 2004. Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums. San Francisco, CA: NFPF.

This book fills a long-stranding gap in the literature on film preservation by providing key technical information on the full range of topics written in easy-to-read language. Cataloging, access, and legal Issues are also discussed. The book is available in electronic and print form. The NFPF Web site contains a wealth of information on film preservation issues, such as deterioration, storage, color fading, and more.

New browser window will open for the Polymer Degradation and Stability. 1979-present. London: Applied Science Publishers. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 1979-present. London: Applied Science Publishers.

“Polymer Degradation and Stability deals with the degradation reactions and their control which are a major preoccupation of practitioners of the many and diverse aspects of modern polymer technology.“

New browser window will open for the Profiri, Chris. 2003. Hollywood Film Preservation. Edmonton (Alberta): University of Alberta. Profiri, Chris. 2003. Hollywood Film Preservation. Edmonton (Alberta): University of Alberta.

Explains the issues within film preservation and restoration.

Read, Paul, and Mark-Paul Meyer. 2000. Restoration of Motion Picture Film. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann

Invaluable guide to the film restoration process detailing film reconstruction, repair and laboratory duplication methods. Includes illustrative case studies as well as a comprehensive bibliography.

New browser window will open for FAQ. FAQ

FAQ for the USENET newsgroup whose purpose is to facilitate the discussion of the many technical details associated with motion pictures. Topics often include questions about projection issues in theaters, film and sound formats and aspect ratios, equipment used in film production and presentation, and, occasionally, visual effects used in motion pictures.

Restaurator. 1969-present. Munich: K.G. Saur.

“The International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material” contains articles on conservation research and practical techniques used to preserve a wide range of materials.

New browser window will open for the Ritchie, W. Mark. Spring 1995. That smell in the vaults: the degradation of polymers in AV materials. Kinema. Ritchie, W. Mark. Spring 1995. That smell in the vaults: the degradation of polymers in AV materials. Kinema.

Presents the Vinegar Syndrome, Rancid Butter Syndrome and the Rotten Fish Syndrome affecting various moving images supports and then offers solutions.

New browser window will open for the ScreenSound Australia. Film Preservation Handbook. ScreenSound Australia. Film Preservation Handbook.

Exhaustive guide to the physical and technical aspects of film preservation.

New browser window will open for the ScreenSound Australia. How to Care for Your Audio. ScreenSound Australia. How to Care for Your Audio.

Extremely useful preservation guide, providing excellent technical information understandable to the general public.

New browser window will open for the ScreenSound Australia. How to Care for Your Film. ScreenSound Australia. How to Care for Your Film.

Extremely useful preservation guide, providing excellent technical information understandable to the general public.

New browser window will open for the ScreenSound Australia. How to Care for Your Video. ScreenSound Australia. How to Care for Your Video.

Extremely useful preservation guide, providing excellent technical information understandable to the general public.

New browser window will open for Silberg, Jon. October 2002. On the frontier, using new technology on old movies. Millimeter. Silberg, Jon. October 2002. On the frontier, using new technology on old movies. Millimete.r

Technical article, though mostly understandable to a mainstream audience, focusing on new usage of digital techniques in film preservation, using case study of Sony and Cinetech’s recent restoration of "On the Waterfront." Also touches on videotape.

Slide, Anthony. 2000. Nitrate Won’t Wait: A History of Film Preservation in the United States. North Carolina: McFarland & Company.

Frank and illuminating account of the evolution of film preservation in the United States.

New browser window will open for Smither, Roger, editor. 2002. This Film is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives. Smither, Roger, editor. 2002. This Film is Dangerous: A Celebration of Nitrate Film. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives.

Link leads to ordering information. "An anthology published by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) to examine and to celebrate the life, the death, the afterlife, and the mythology of nitrate film."

New browser window will open for Société Radio-Canada. 2004. Préservation et restauration - Découverte des archives de Radio-Canada. Montréal (Québec): Société Radio-Canada. Société Radio-Canada. 2004. Préservation et restauration - Découverte des archives de Radio-Canada. Montréal (Québec): Société Radio-Canada.

Présentation des faits et des activités de la section des archives de la Société Radio-Canada touchant la préservation des films et vidéo.

New browser window will open for the Society of American Archivists Preservation Section.Selected Readings in Moving Image and Sound Recording Preservation. Society of American Archivists Preservation Section. Selected Readings in Preservation.

New browser window will open for the Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections. A symposium co-sponsored by: Preservation and Conservation Studies, University of Texas at Austin, School of Information; Library of Congress; National Recording Preservation Board; and Association of Research Libraries. Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections. A symposium co-sponsored by: Preservation and Conservation Studies, University of Texas at Austin, School of Information; Library of Congress; National Recording Preservation Board; and Association of Research Libraries.

Links to papers presented at a sympoisum held at the University of Texas at Austin, July 24-26, 2003.

New browser window will open for the Specs Bros. Videotape Basics FAQ. Specs Bros. Videotape Basics FAQ.

Useful videotape FAQ list and links provided by SPECS Bros., "a magnetic tape decontamination and restoration facility that specializes in disaster recovery and the rejuvenation of archival tapes suffering from material breakdown."

Storm, William D. 1998. Unified Strategy for the Preservation of Audio and Video Materials, Report No. 9806. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Preservation Research & Testing Division.

This report commissioned by the Library of Congress reveals some of the strategic thinking and analysis underlying a long-term approach to preserving sound and moving image holdings.

New browser window will open for the Tepperman, Charles. 2000. Adventures in Archive-land. FSAC/ACEC Newsletter. Tepperman, Charles. 2000. Adventures in Archive-land. FSAC/ACEC Newsletter.

The author presents his personal experience at the Film Preservation section of the National Archives of Canada. The article is taken from the winter 2000 issue of the Film Studies Association of Canada newsletter.

New browser window will open for The American Film Institute. Preservation. The American Film Institute. Preservation.

The AFI sponsors the National Center for Film and Video Preservation, an advocacy and action organization. On this site can be found: basic information about film and video deterioration, including illustrative examples; a lengthy bibliography; a listing of film restoration laboratories; and links to other sources of preservation information.

New browser window will open for The Cutting Corporation. Sound Preservation FAQ. The Cutting Corporation. Sound Preservation FAQ.

Informative guide to issues in sound preservation by one of the leading laboratories.

New browser window will open for The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. 2001-present. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press. The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists. 2001-present. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press

The journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, The Moving Image “deals with crucial issues surrounding the preservation and restoration of film, television, video, and digital moving images. The journal offers detailed profiles of moving image collections, behind-the-scenes looks at the techniques used to preserve and restore moving images, and theoretical and visionary articles on the future of the field."

New browser window will open for the Topics in Photographic Preservation. 1986-present. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Photographic Materials Group. Topics in Photographic Preservation. 1986-present. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Photographic Materials Group.

“A biannual publication of the Photographic Materials Group (PMG) of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC).  It provides a means for the informal exchange of information, experiences and techniques relating to photographic science, conservation and collections care.”

New browser window will open for the University of British Columbia. 2003. Preservation: Useful References on the Web. Vancouver (British Columbia): University of British Columbia. University of British Columbia. 2003. Preservation: Useful References on the Web. Vancouver (British Columbia): University of British Columbia.

Offers several links to Web sites in the field of preservation, including the preservation of moving images.

New browser window will open for the Wheeler, Jim. 2002. Videotape Preservation Handbook. Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA). Wheeler, Jim. 2002. Videotape Preservation Handbook. Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA).

Similar to the AMIA Videotape Preservation Fact Sheets, this guide offers archivists insight into the basics of magnetic tape and its ongoing care.

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Updated: October 24, 2006
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