The AGGI index that provides an easily understood and scientifically unambiguous point of comparison for tracking annual changes in levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases.
The ODGI is an index that relates changes in atmospheric amounts of ozone depleting gases and the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer.
CarbonTracker is a tool designed to keep track of time dependent emissions and uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), both natural and manmade.
A data exploration tool for carbon cycle trace gas measurements.
The GLOBALVIEW data products are designed to enhance the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric observations of CO2, CH4 and other related greenhouse gases.
Current Trends of CO2
View graphs and get data for the most recent CO2 atmospheric data at Mauna Loa, Hawaii and for global averages.
View data of the South Pole Ozone hole.
Trace Gases
View graphs from the CATS trace gas measurement system.
View plots of various types of solar radiation measurements from around the globe.
Plots of measured aersol properties.
View recent trajectories from some of the global GMD observations sites.
Reference Gases
Results of CO2 and CH4 calibrations on reference gas tanks used for atmospheric measurements.
Observations Sites
Information and maps of sites where GMD makes measurements.