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MLA-Style Citation Format for American Memory Text Document

American Memory contains collections of pamphlets, documents, recollections, and other written material. One such example is "A duty which the colored people owe to themselves," a sermon by Charles Boynton, 1867. This example comes from African American Perspectives, 1818-1907.

"Moses was the son of a slave, but separated from his own people in infancy, and adopted into the royal family of Pharoh,..."


Author last name, first name, and middle initial. "Title of work." Date. Title of collection. (Protocol and address) (Call Number) (Date of visit)


Boynton, Charles B. "A duty which the color people owe to themselves. A sermon delivered at Metzerott hall, Washington, DC." African American Perspectives 1818-1907. ( (lcrbmrp t 2002) (August 14, 1996)

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Last updated 09/26/2002