Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Oct 2006 Issue arrow 10.3 Project of the Month
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Vol. 36 No. 4            A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers            October 2006

 Project of the Month

Flooding along the Salt River (Rio Salado) in Phoenix
Flooding along the Salt River (Rio Salado) in Phoenix
Rio Salado Oeste, Phoenix, AZ     
Written by Scott Estergard
Tuesday, 24 October 2006 
Project: Rio Salado Oeste Feasibility Study, Salt River, Phoenix, Arizona

Summary: The Rio Salado Oeste Study is being conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Los Angeles District and the City of Phoenix, with the cooperation of the Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC).  The purpose of this study is to identify whether there is a Federal interest in implementing a project along the Salt River from 19th to 83rd Avenues in Phoenix.  This study is to identify feasible flood
Before the project riparian habitat was dwindling
Before the project riparian habitat was dwindling
damage reduction and ecosystem restoration alternatives that are technically feasible, economically practicable, sound with respect to environmental considerations, and publicly acceptable.  The City of Phoenix, as the non-Federal sponsor, supports the proposed project purpose to provide flood damage reduction, ecosystem restoration, passive recreation, and other related outputs.

On October 18, 2006, the Corp's Civil Works Review Board unanimously agreed the Rio Salado Oeste project meets policy.  The project may now be released for state and agency review.
Upon completion of a 30-day review period, the project will be submitted to the Chief of Engineers for approval.  USACE anticipates having a signed Chief's report by December 2006.  The project may be authorized for construction if the Chief's report is signed and a Water Resources Development Act is passed this year. 

Background Information: The study area is located along an 8 mile reach of the Salt River in Phoenix from 19th Avenue to approximately 83rd Avenue. The primary problem is the severe degradation and loss of riparian habitat along the Salt River; which once flowed perennially and supported substantial growth of cottonwoods, willows, and mesquites. Increasing appropriation of surface and groundwater resulted in the transformation of the Salt River to a dry river that flows only ephemerally in response to storm runoff and effluent discharge. In addition to restoration there are opportunities to reduce future flood damages and improve recreation opportunities associated with the restored floodplain.

The river runs dry most of the year
The river runs dry most of the year
History: Previous studies and reports have considered flooding, water quality, environmental degradation, and recreation on the Salt River. A 1995 reconnaissance study conducted by the Corps found a Federal interest in pursuing feasibility studies on a 33 mile reach of the river. Of the 33 miles 2 specific areas had a non-Federal interest in pursuing a study at that time and included sites in Tempe and Phoenix with those Cities being the non federal sponsors. The Rio Salado Project is currently in final phase of construction.

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