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16mm Film Distributors

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New browser window will open for >A.G. DOK. A.G. DOK

German Documentary Association.

New browser window will open for The Cinema Guild. The Cinema Guild

New browser window will open for Documentary Films. Documentary Films

New browser window will open for DocuSeek Film and Video Finder. DocuSeek Film and Video Finder

New browser window will open for the Facets Multi-Media (video). Facets Multi-Media (video)

New browser window will open for the Film Forum. Film Forum

New York City movie house presenting repertory programming and theatrical and foreign premieres of American independents and foreign art films.

New browser window will open for the George Eastman House, University of Rochester. George Eastman House, University of Rochester

Searches the University of Rochester's library catalogs including the Richard and Ronay Menschel Library of the George Eastman House with its 53,000 volumes about photography and film

New browser window will open for The Internet Movie Database. The Internet Movie Database

New browser window will open for the Media Resource Center, University of California, Berkeley. Media Resource Center, University of California, Berkeley

New browser window will open for the Milestone Films (DVD/Video). Milestone Films (DVD/Video)

New browser window will open for the Penn State Media & Technology. Penn State Media & Technology

New browser window will open for the Program for Art On Film. Program for Art On Film

New browser window will open for Re: Voir USA (videos). Re: Voir USA (videos)

New browser window will open for the UCLA Instructional Media Center. UCLA Instructional Media Center

New browser window will open for the UCLA Film and Television Archive. UCLA Film and Television Archive

New browser window will open for the Uncommon Video!!. Uncommon Video!!

New browser window will open for Ur 7-Audio-Visual Collection. Ur 7-Audio-Visual Collection

16mm Film Distributors

New browser window will open for the California Newsreel. California Newsreel

Film & video for social change.

New browser window will open for the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

New browser window will open for Canyon Cinema, Inc. Canyon Cinema, Inc.

New browser window will open for Chicago Filmmakers. Chicago Filmmakers

New browser window will open for the Em Gee Film Library. Em Gee Film Library

New browser window will open for the Film-Maker’s Cooperative. Film-Maker’s Cooperative

New browser window will open for the First Run Features. First Run Features

New browser window will open for the First Run Icarus Films. First Run Icarus Films

New browser window will open for Kino International. Kino International

New browser window will open for the Light Cone (Paris). Light Cone (Paris)

New browser window will open for the Lux Cinema (London). Lux Cinema (London)

New browser window will open for the Modern Sound. Modern Sound

New browser window will open for the Museum of Modern Art, Circulating Film and Video Library. Museum of Modern Art, Circulating Film and Video Library

A sales and rental library of over 1,200 16mm prints covering the history of film from the 1890s to the present, art films from the American Federation of the Arts, and 35mm films from the Library of Congress, as well as a significant collection of works by leading video artists.

New browser window will open for New Yorker Films. New Yorker Films

New browser window will open for the Strand Releasing. Strand Releasing

New browser window will open for Swank. Swank

New browser window will open for the Thirdworld Newsreel. Thirdworld Newsreel

New browser window will open for Women Make Movies. Women Make Movies

New browser window will open for Zetgeist Films. Zetgeist Films

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Updated: October 24, 2006
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