Conferences, Festivals and Events

New browser window will open for Arbeitsgemeinshaft documentarfilm. Arbeitsgemeinshaft documentarfilm German documentary site, a compilation of festival and other links.

New browser window will open for the Broncho Billy Silent Film Festival. Broncho Billy Silent Film Festival Two-day event held every June in Niles, California, site of the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company. Focuses on regional silent film, with panel discussions and local events.

New browser window will open for the Buster Keaton Celebration. Buster Keaton Celebration Held every September in Iola, Kansas, near the birthplace (Piqua, KS) of Buster Keaton. Two days of films and panel discussions.

New browser window will open for Cinecon. Cinecon Held every Labor Day weekend in Hollywood, California, with screenings at the historic Egyptian Theater. Four-day event focuses on silent and Early sound films. Features appearances by classic film stars, directors, and other industry notables as guests and honorees. Includes dealer rooms.

New browser window will open for Cinefest. Cinefest Held every March in Syracuse, New York, and focuses on silent and early sound films. Four-day event takes place in hotel conference center and includes dealer rooms. Also includes special 35mm screenings at the historic Loew’s State Theatre.

New browser window will open for Il Cinema Ritrovato. Il Cinema Ritrovato, from the Cineteca del Comune di Bologna and the Mostra Internazionale del Cinema Libero. Annual film festival including "cinema's first great year, 1903, to the fanfare of CinemaScope; includes some new restorations of films both greatly loved and still to be discovered."

New browser window will open for Cinesation. Cinesation Held every October in Massilon, Ohio.

New browser window will open for the Cinevent Classic Film Convention. Cinevent Classic Film Convention Held every Memorial Day weekend in Columbus, Ohio. Four-day event takes place in hotel conference center and includes dealer rooms. Also includes special 35mm screenings at the Wexner Center for the Arts.

New browser window will open for the Consortium of College and University Media Centers conference. Consortium of College and University Media Centers conference 2003 annual conference was held in Charleston, South Carolina.

New browser window will open for FIAF Congress. FIAF Congress FIAF holds an Annual Congress, each year in a different country.

New browser window will open for Film Commissions, Guilds, Unions & Distributors. Film Commissions, Guilds, Unions & Distributors Links hosted by the film commission of British Columbia, Canada.

New browser window will open for Film Film Film Festivals Entertainment Group site for festivals and film news.

New browser window will open for Film Festival Today. Film Festival Today

New browser window will open for the Le Giornate del Cinema Muto. Le Giornate del Cinema Muto Silent film festival held every October in Pordenone, Italy (sometimes Sacile, Italy)

New browser window will open for the Independent Feature Project. Independent Feature Project Organization for independent filmmakers with chapters in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York and Seattle. Holds an annual festival.

New browser window will open for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Web-Wise Conference. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Web-Wise Conference IMLS and Johns Hopkins University have hosted an annual conference, the 2003 topic was "sustaining digital resources."

New browser window will open for the International Documentary Association. International Documentary Association Compilation of festivals and markets.

New browser window will open for the Kansas Silent Film Festival. Kansas Silent Film Festival Held every February in Topeka, Kansas. Free two-day event.

New browser window will open for the Orphans Symposium. Orphans Symposium The University of South Carolina hosts an annual symposium on the preservation, study, and use of orphan films.

New browser window will open for the San Francisco Silent Film Festival. San Francisco Silent Film Festival Two-day event held every July at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco.

New browser window will open for Slapsticon. Slapsticon Four-day event devoted to early comedy film, held in July on the East Coast (location changes each year).

New browser window will open for the Toronto International Film Festival. Toronto International Film Festival

New browser window will open for the To Save and Project: The MOMA International Festival of Film Preservation. To Save and Project: The MOMA International Festival of Film Preservation Museum of Modern Art, New York, a new annual series.

New browser window will open for the UCLA Festival of Preservation. UCLA Festival of Preservation UCLA Film and Television Archive’s biennial Festival of Preservation (even numbered years).

Links to past festivals:

New browser window will open for the 2002 Festival of Preservation. 2002 Festival of Preservation

New browser window will open for the 2000 Festival of Preservation. 2000 Festival of Preservation

New browser window will open for the 1998 Festival of Preservation. 1998 Festival of Preservation

New browser window will open for the University Film and Video Association Conference. University Film and Video Association Conference Preservation and Convergence, the 2003 conference theme, included special events and sessions with topics such as: film preservation, New Media technologies, traditional Hollywood entertainment, international collaborations, and southern media arts.

New browser window will open for the Women and the Silent Screen, An International Congress. Women and the Silent Screen, An International Congress Women and the Silent Screen, An International Congress held June 2-6, 2004 Concordia University, Canada.

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Updated: October 19, 2006
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