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View The State Profile For Guam

profile for the Territory of Guam:

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Guam's Child Care and Development Fund Quality Infant/Toddler Earmark:

FY 2006: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark is $193,547.

The funds are used in the following ways to enhance the Guam infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may be used to support these activities):

  • Parent training on developmental milestones, social emotional development, and early literacy.
  • Development of strategies for implementing and monitoring early learning guidelines.
  • Training and technical assistance to child care providers to develop knowledge and skills to care for children with special needs.
  • Development of consumer education materials and activities to involve parents in the program.

FY 2004: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark was $187,518.

The funds were used in the following ways to enhance the Guam infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may have been used to support these activities):

  • Training and technical assistance to child care providers to develop knowledge and skills to care for children with special needs.
  • Development of consumer education materials and activities to involve parents in the program.
To view more initiatives for Guam, search the initiatives database.

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Technical Assistance Partners
A project of the Child Care Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services.