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California's Child Care and Development Fund Quality Infant/Toddler Earmark:

FY 2006: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark is $11,221,401.

The funds are used in the following ways to enhance the California infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may be used to support these activities):

  • Revision of infant/toddler guidelines and development of standards.
  • Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework, which will expand the information presented in the infant/toddler program guidelines and learning content standards to provide more detailed guidance.
  • Continued support of all activities listed under FY 2004 below.

FY 2004: The Federal CCDF Quality Infant and Toddler Earmark was $11,564,840.

The funds were used in the following ways to enhance the California infant and toddler child care system (additional funds may have been used to support these activities):

  • Program for Infant Toddler Caregivers (PITC) training.
  • Continued support of the presence of an infant toddler specialist as part of the Healthline Infant Toddler Quality Improvement Initiative , which provides health and safety information to child care providers, the families they serve, and related professionals in California using a toll-free telephone line.
  • Resource and Playground Safety Grants to cover the cost of infant/toddler equipment, appropriate educational materials, minor renovation and repairs to meet health and safety requirements, for environmental changes to support small groups and continuity of care, and to ensure playground safety.
  • To support the Child Care Initiative Project in increasing the supply of infant/toddler family child care providers throughout the state by the recruitment, training, and initial support of family child care providers serving infants and toddlers.
  • To maintain a PITC Regional Support Network for provision of training and technical assistance activities at the local level. The primary components of this Network are outreach sessions, stipends for trainers, and regional training coordinators.
  • Beginning Together project training to certified PITC trainers. This training focuses on strategies, program practices and models that support inclusion of infants and toddlers with disabilities.
  • To support PITC Community College Demonstration Sites.
  • To support the Family Child Care Association Development Project in recruitment of new associations, and with professional development and training needs.

To view more initiatives for California, search the initiatives database.

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Technical Assistance Partners
A project of the Child Care Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services.