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Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound


The overall health of the Puget Sound estuary has steadily decreased with the increase in population and development of the Puget Sound Basin. Impairment of nearshore processes and habitat in the Sound, extending along over 2,000 miles of shoreline, is believed to be a critical factor in the declining health of the Puget Sound ecosystem. However, the complex role of geological, biological, and hydrological habitat-forming processes in maintaining ecosystem health is poorly understood.

In response to past and ongoing pressures on the nearshore of Puget Sound, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has joined state natural resource agencies, other Federal agencies, tribes, the commercial sector, NGOs, universities and numerous local governments to form the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration (PSNER) partnership. The PSNER partnership is working to restore and preserve nearshore habitat to help rehabilitate the health of the Puget Sound ecosystem and prevent additional damage in the future as human population in the basin continues to increase. To enable the selection of optimum management options, PSNER partners need the ability to predict and evaluate outcomes of possible restoration and preservation options prior to their implementation. In addition, once options have been implemented, outcomes need to be monitored to verify that the projects have their intended impacts and can be adjusted as needed. This adaptive management approach to ecosystem rehabilitation requires that the ecological function of the nearshore habitat of Puget Sound be better understood.

Start/End Dates

10/1/03 to 9/30/09


Puget Sound, WA


Map of Puget Sound
Puget Sound region, showing the Skagit River and Skagit Delta study area (right box) and the San Juan Island study area (left box).


The long-term objective of the Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound Project is to develop scientific information and tools to support natural resource managers in the adaptive management of nearshore habitats of Puget Sound. The information and tools will explain observed ecosystem conditions by relating those conditions to natural and human factors, by defining the causes of spatial and temporal variations, and by providing the basis for predicting the effects of proposed nearshore rehabilitation and preservation.


One of the most imposing barriers to decision making for improved natural resource protection and management is our lack of understanding how natural processes in Puget Sound work. USGS is coordinating closely with the PSNER Nearshore Science Team to identify major data and information gaps, and to develop an integrated science plan to address those needs. A multi-year, multi-disciplinary plan to provide scientific information on habitats, fish and wildlife populations, and nearshore physical and biological processes is being developed by the USGS and its partners. The first phase of the plan includes starting to fill important data gaps in nearshore physiography and initiating several pilot studies in selected sites.

Tasks and SubTasks

  • Geological reconstruction and habitat change of major river deltas - this task will initiate studies of the Skagit delta dealing with geological and environmental reconstruction, sediment and nutrient/pollutant transport pathways and fluxes, and fluvial sediment input.
  • Effects of Elwha dam removal on nearshore habitats - this task will characterize nearshore sediment characteristics and habitats prior to dam removal.
    • Nearshore and Beach Mapping
    • Shelf Substrate and Habitat Mapping
    • Physical Processes Monitoring
    • Numerical Modeling
  • Beach and Nearshore Sediment Dynamics - this task will initiate studies of sediment dynamics in mixed grain-size beaches, along beaches with shoreline armoring, in areas of seagrasses, and associated with coastal bluffs.
  • Lidar nearshore bottom characterization - this task will initate studies to process and interpret bathymetric lidar data to characterize water-column turbidity and bottom habitats.
  • Estuary utilization by juvenile chinook salmon - this task will explore estuarine habitats for important fish species.
  • Salmonids and forage fishes in Puget Sound - this task will continue studies of fish utilization.
  • Deschutes River estuary feasibility study - Capital Lake Restoration - this study will address flow and sediment transport for the Capital Lake restoration study.
  • Transport patterns in Hood Canal - this program is part of a larger effort by CMG to monitor coastal change and coastal ocean processes in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Multiagency Multibeam Mapping in Puget Sound - this task will develop a multiagency mapping effort between the USGS, University of Washington, and NOAA to begin systematic high-resolution mapping of Puget Sound. Data will be shared between agencies and institutions to support various needs.



Gartner, J.W., Prych, E.A., Tate, G.B., Cacchione, D.A., Cheng, R.T., Bidlake, W.R., and Ferreira, J.T., 1998, Water velocities and the potential for the movement of bed sediments in Sinclair Inlet of Puget Sound, Washington: USGS Open-File Report 98-572, 140 p.

Gelfenbaum, G., T. Mumford, J. Brennan, H. Case, M. Dethier, K. Fresh, F. Goetz, M. van Heeswijk, T.M., Leschine, M. Logsdon, D. Myers, J. Newton, H. Shipman, C.A. Simenstad, C. Tanner, and D. Woodson, 2006, Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound: A research plan in support of the Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership: Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership Report No. 2006-1. Published by the USGS, Seattle, Washington

Gibbs, A., Cochran, S., Storlazzi, C., Grossman, E.E., Field, M., 2006, Coral Habitat Variability in the Kona Coast National Parks, Eos Trans: AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS46N-13

Glenn, C.R., Johnson, A.G., Burnett, B., Peterson, R., Dulaiova, H., Grossman, E.E., and Lucey, P., 2006, Thermal Infrared Surveys and Nutrients Reveal Substantial Submarine Groundwater Discharge Systems Emanating from the Kona Coast of Hawaii, Eos Trans: AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS46N-13

Grossman, E.E., 2004, Review of Douglas, B., Kearney, MS, and Leatherman, SP. (eds) 2001. Sea-level Rise: History and Consequences: San Diego: Academic Press, 232 p. in The Holocene, v. 14 p. 637-638

Grossman, E.E., Eittreim, S.L., Field, M.E. and Wong, F.L., 2006, Shallow stratigraphy and sedimentation history during high-frequency sea-level changes on the central California shelf: Continental Shelf Research, 26: 1217-1239

Grossman, E.E., Hart, P., and Field, M.E., 2005, Evidence of recent sediment storage and transport from shallow seismic stratigraphy on the Cap de Creus shelf, Spain: EuroSTRATAFORM - Promess Joint Meeting, Salamanca, Spain, October 24-27, 2005

Grossman, E.E., Hood, W.G., Beamer, E.M., and Kayen, R.E., 2006, Characterizing natural vs. human-related change in Puget Sound deltaic habitats: 2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference, Seattle, WA (Mar 29-31, 2005)

Grossman, E.E., Logan, J., Storlazzi, C.S., Paytan, A., and Street, J., 2006, Mapping Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Flux across the Fringing Reefs of South Molokai and West Hawaii, Main Hawaiian Islands, Eos Trans: AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS46N-13

Grossman, E.E., Rosenbauer, R., Takesue, R.K., Wyllie-Echeverria, S., Beamer, E.M., and Hood W.R., 2006, Proximal and distal sedimentation impacts to nearshore habitats in the Skagit Delta and San Juan Islands: American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia June 4-9, 2006. p. A46

Hill, P.S., George, D.A., and Grossman, E.E., 2006, A Global Perspective on Defining and Controlling the Mudline, Eos Trans: AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS46N-13

McGann, M., Grossman, E.E., and Takesue, R.K., 2005, Is Trochammina hadai Uchio a native or introduced benthic foraminifer in Padilla Bay, Washington, USA: North American Paleontological Conference, Halifax, Canada (June 19-24, 2005)

Street, J.H., Grossman, E.E., and Paytan, A., 2006, Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Subsidies to the Leeward Shores of Maui, Moloka'i and Hawai'i Estimated Using Radium Isotopes, Eos Trans: AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS46N-13

Takesue, R.K., Grossman, E.E., Wyllie-Echeverria, S., and Elliott, J.K., 2006, High Cadmium may contribute to eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat loss in Westcott Bay, San Juan Island: American Society for Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia June 4-9, 2006. p. A118

Takesue, R.K., Rosenbauer, R.J., Grossman, E.E., and Wyllie-Echeverria, S., 2005, Sedimentation and contaminant loading: impacts on eelgrass (Zostera marina) bed health in northern Puget Sound: 2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference, Seattle, WA (Mar 29-31, 2005)

U.S. Geological Survey, 2006, Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound (CHIPS): USGS Fact Sheet 2006-3081, 2 p.

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Page Last Modified: 10 September 2008 (lzt)