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2005 Teachers of the Year!

Irene Dugdale Lee Irene Dugdale Lee Korea District Irene teaches Instrumental Music for grades 9-12 at Seoul American High School, Korea. She received her B.S. from Dakota State University. "I believe every student entering my classroom has the potential to be a virtuoso and deserves the opportunity to develop his or her musical talents. My goal is to create a classroom atmosphere in which students feel comfortable to express themselves without fear of criticism or rejection." As a colleague states, "Irene's knowledge of music and curriculum standards is exceptional. She consistently takes students with little knowledge of music theory and techniques to levels of performance that did not seem possible at the beginning of the school year."

Americas Area District

Mildred J. Prince Mildred J. Prince Antilles District Mildred Prince teaches Business Education/English, grades 9-12, at Antilles High School, Ft. Buchanan, Puerto Rico. She received her teaching degree from the University of Texas at El Paso, her Master's Degree in Supervision and Administration from Berne University, and is currently working towards her Ph. D in Leadership and Policy Studies through the International Graduate Center. Millie believes all children can learn to perform at high levels. "It is my desire to teach students to believe in themselves by challenging them intellectually and personally to set goals for themselves that reach far beyond the easily accessible limits available to all." As one colleague stated, "Ms. Prince is one of the rare individuals who has a love for teaching. It is not just a job, but a true calling."
Angelique R. Cotton Angelique R. Cotton Georgia/Alabama District Angelique Cotton currently teaches grades 6-8, READ 180 and AVID, at Faith Middle School, Fort Benning, Georgia. She received her Elementary/Liberal Arts Degree from Adams State College and her Master's Degree in Reading from Saint Bonaventure University. Angie sees herself as a partner in learning, a facilitator. "I learn just as much from the students as they learn from me. I have failed in my job if a student goes home and states that he/she learned nothing. I believe in collaboration. For me, my greatest contribution to education is the giving of my time and efforts." Angie's superintendent states, "Her students simply love her for her honesty, her love and care for them, and her willingness to help however and whenever they need her."
Maryanna T. Jones Maryanna T. Jones Kentucky District Maryanna teaches music, grades 5-8, at Walker School, Ft. Knox, Kentucky. She received her B.A. from West Virginia Wesleyan and her Master of Education from National Louis University. Maryanna stresses, "We must connect our heads to our hearts in order to make a positive difference in all students. I believe our role as teachers is as a 'guide on the side', a facilitator, a co-learner, and co-investigator through differentiated instruction." A student states, "Truthfully, when you are in her class, you are learning way more than just music. You're learning how to deal with life and approach problems, how to get along with everyone no matter the diversity, and how to function as a team, as a family."
Audrey Butler Audrey Butler New York/Virginia District Audrey currently teaches grades 1-2 (looping) at West Point Elementary School, West Point, New York. She received her B.S. from Buffalo State University in Art and Design and her Master's Degree in Elementary Education from Long Island University. "My job is a joyful one, but with this joy comes an awesome responsibility. Each day I am surrounded by a group of people who still hold a sense of awe and wonder about their world. They see magic in what others would describe as ordinary." A colleague writes, "You can see that she believes in education's power to expand a child's imagination and, thereby, enrich and enhance a life. She connects with her children because she believes in their intellect, their goodness, their humanity. She is her students' number one advocate, supporter, and fan."
Julie Ann Fulton Julie Ann Fulton North Carolina District Julie teaches 8th grade science at Brewster Middle School, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. She received her B.A. in Education from Northwestern Oklahoma State. Julie advocates the following, "Alone, we are insufficient for the task, together success is certain as we breathe new life into education. We have a task to accomplish for which we will be held accountable. With the benefits of partnering, we can find the formula for success in shared responsibility and teamwork." A colleague writes, "Julie mentors so many of her colleagues without even realizing it. She is willing to share her activities and lessons, to make suggestions when asked, and always seems to have an idea when no one else does. Julie works continuously and tirelessly to make learning fun for her students and her team members."
Deborah Walter Deborah Walter South Carolina/Fort Stewart Deborah teaches 1st grade at Middleton S. Elliott Elementary School in Beaufort, South Carolina. She received her B.S. in Elementary Education from the University of Virginia. She received her Masters of Arts in Early Childhood from Oglethorpe University. "Watching my students begin to respond to situations as independent problems solvers gives me the most satisfaction. I know this is the key to being life-long learners. By designing an environment and relationships for success, by adjusting to best practices, and by teaming with others, I let my students, parents, and colleagues know: This is important. You can do it. And I won�t give up on you." A principal writes, "Not only does Miss Walter teach with skill and expertise, but she also teaches with enthusiasm, love, and compassion."

European Area District

Elizabeth Denise ClickElizabeth Denise Click Bavaria District Denise Click currently teaches kindergarten at Wurzburg Elementary School, Germany. She received her B.S. in Elementary Education from Radford University, her Master's Degree in Early Childhood, and her Educational Specialist Degree in Administration. Denise states, "My basic philosophy is to make my children winners, my parents friends, the classroom fun, and learning efficient. I believe I must teach the whole child." Her principal says Denise is a true "Kid Advocate" and is always asking, "What's best for kids?" Through the use of experiential activities, the integration of subject areas, a flexible schedule, and academic instruction given according to the readiness of each child, she is able to teach to the whole child.
Karen Corey Karen Corey Heidelberg District Karen Corey teaches math, grades 6-8, at Wiesbaden American Middle School, Wiesbaden, Germany. She received her B.S. in Elementary Education and her Master's Degree in Special Education at State University of New York at Fredonia. Karen stresses, "High salary was not a priority for my career choice. However, the wealth obtained from my livelihood most certainly is! The rewards of teaching make me an extremely wealthy individual. I am paid in the bundles of confidence that leave my room each year." Her principal writes, "I can honestly say that Mrs. Corey inspires her peers, her parents, her students, and me on a daily basis to be the best that we can possibly be as human beings and as students, which we all are in one way or another."
James Greg Holladay James Greg Holladay Isles District Greg Holladay currently teaches grades 7-8 and 10-12, Social Studies and Cisco Networking Academy at A.T. Mahan High School, NAS Keflavik, Iceland. He received his B.A. in English/History at the University of Texas at Austin and his Master's Degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Michigan State University. "I often tell people that I got into education as a profession because I enjoyed being a student and learning things. I am happy to report that I am still very much a student." Greg learns from his family, his peers, and as he states, "especially, my own students." His principal says, "In addition to his classroom competence, Greg displays a genuine excitement for teaching and learning, a commitment to the extra-curricular program in our school, and a service orientation towards our military community."
Sandra Ramon-Jenet Sandra Ramon-Jenet Kaiserslautern District Sandra teaches primary special education, moderate to severe disabilities at Vogelweh Elementary, Germany. She received her B.S. in Education and her Master of Education from Southwest Texas State University. "My feelings about teaching are passionate, determined, committed, and full of pride, all of which are gained through my beliefs that all children can be high achievers, entitled to equal access to the best educational opportunities and that the educational and accountability processes are a shared responsibility." A colleague writes, "Her success in developing and implementing appropriate, effective interventions have been remarkable. Her students are frequently integrated in regular education settings, happily and successfully."
Nancy Woolson Nancy Woolson Mediterranean District Nancy teaches English at Naples American High School in Italy. She received her Bachelor's Degree from Eastern Michigan University. When asked by a student teacher how she had learned so much about teaching, Nancy responded that she had learned from her mistakes. "To be a teacher is to be human, fallible, and vulnerable, but also, resilient, determined, and tenacious. We do get back up and try again. We share our missteps as well as our successes. We collaborate, commiserate, and do rewrite the history of our experience so that it works the next time." As a colleague states, "Nancy always found time to address my concerns and she readily shared her knowledge and experience."

Pacific Area District

Deborah Krull Deborah Krull Guam District Deborah Krull currently teaches 8th grade Language Arts/Reading at Andersen Middle School, Guam. She received her B.A. in English/Gen. Science Education and her Master's Degree in Administration and Supervision at McNeese State University. Deborah strongly believes, "A teacher should expand the horizons of his/her students by providing opportunities for students to learn about themselves and to become more aware of their communities and the world in which they live. To do this effectively, teachers need to be confident in their belief that they can and do make a difference in their students� lives." As one colleague writes, "Reading in her class is not just a book of black and white, but rather a living breathing experience."
Rodney Coryer Rodney Coryer Japan District Rodney teaches sixth grade math and science at M. C. Perry Elementary, Iwakuni, Japan. He received his B.S. in Education from State University of New York at Plattsburgh. "My feelings and beliefs about teaching are shown daily in the classroom. You have to love what you are doing, take the time to make it happen, and the rewards are numerous." His principal states, "Mr. Coryer is a dedicated teacher who affords all students the opportunity to learn. The students know that he will always give them any assistance that will make learning important and meaningful for them."
Regina Golder-Shepa Regina Golder-Shepa Okinawa District Regina teaches kindergarten at Kinser Elementary School in Okinawa, Japan. She received her B.S. from Tuskegee Institute and her Elementary Education Certification from the University of Arizona. "Quality teaching comes from collegiality. Collegiality is the most important element in the success of the commitment to school improvement. Collaboration improves performance. Envision in your mind each day to share something or ask someone to share with you. If no teacher is left behind, then no child will be left behind." A colleague writes, "Regina is not only a wealth of educational knowledge but her peers call on her daily for suggestions and support. She always makes the extra effort to know what you might need and offers suggestions or materials."
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