
Agnew, Grace. 2003. "Developing a Metadata Strategy." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 36, nos. 3/4: 31-46.

Covers the steps to building a metadata repository, including modeling the information needs of your community, selecting and adapting a metadata standard, documenting your metadata, populating your database and sharing your metadata with other initiatives. In addition, advances and options for metadata for multimedia, particularly video, will be presented.

New browser window will open for Baca, Murtha, ed. 1998.  Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information. Los Angeles:  Getty Research Institute. Baca, Murtha, ed. 1998. Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute.

An introduction to metadata, defining the concept ("data about data"), and explaining its importance and potential uses in the networked environment. The text also describes existing metadata standards in the field of cultural heritage information.

New browser window will open for Besser, Howard. 2002. Bibliography of Moving Image Indexing Besser, Howard. 2002. Bibliography of Moving Image Indexing

Bibliography compiled for a UCLA Information Studies course focused on digital collections of still and moving images.

Black, Patricia. 1994. "Les banques d'images en arts visuels : considérations historiques, philosophiques et techniques." Argus 23, no. 3: 23-30.

Évolution des normes pour le catalogage, la description et l'échange des données sur les images; les impacts de la technologie numérique au sein des musées; l'informatisation des collections de diapositives en arts visuels dans le milieu universitaire; et les collections d'oeuvres d'art sur CD-ROM et sur Internet.

Bonneau, Germain. 1998-1999. "Compte rendu : James Turner, Images en mouvement : stockage, repérage, indexation." Presses de l'Université du Québec, Collection Gestion de l'information. Archives 30: 93-97.

Compte rendu du livre Images en mouvement : stockage, repérage, indexation écrit par James Turner. Dresse un panorama de l'ouvrage, en décrivant les cinq chapitres constituant le livre. L'auteur émet pour chacun de ceux-ci et ensuite pour l'ouvrage en général, une critique sur les plans théorique et pratique.

Bureau, Suzanne et Nathalie Ebacher. 2000. "Le Dublin Core, un exemple de métadonnées." Argus 29, no. 2: 23-30.

Dans cet article, l'étude d'un cas particulier servira à mieux comprendre le concept de métadonnées. Après une courte introduction sur l'univers des métadonnées en général, les auteures présentent le Dublin Core, un ensemble d'éléments de métadonnées conçu pour faciliter la découverte des ressources électroniques disseminées sur le Web. Il s'agit d'un système simple de description des ressources pouvant être utilisé autant par des non-catalogueurs que par des spécialistes de la description des ressources. Quelques projets sont également mentionnés, qu'ils soient basés ou non sur le Dublin Core, ainsi que quelques outils qui utilisent le Dublin Core. On constatera que le monde des métadonnées est vaste, mais très intéressant à parcourir.

Dooley, Jackie, ed. 1999. Encoded Archival Description: Context, Theory and Case Studies. Chicago, Ill.: Society of American Archivists.

This book explores the context within which EAD was developed, the essentials of its structured approach to encoding finding aid data, and the role that EAD is meant to play in individual repositories and the archival profession as a whole.

New browser window will open for the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. DCMI Bibliography. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. DCMI Bibliography

Point of reference to the documentation related to the Dublin Core, as it changes and grows.

Duff, Wendy M. 1995. "Will Metadata Replace Archival Description: A Commentary." Archivaria 39:33-38.

Pros and cons of metadata replacing archival description. One perspective posits that archival description should be performed by archivists after records have outlived their usefulness to their creator. Another perspective suggests that description at the end of the life cycle causes backlogs and the loss of vital contextual information and that creators or systems generate descriptions during records creation and use, or during what has been traditionally been termed the active stage of the life cycle.

New browser window will open for EAD Round Table of the Society of American Archivists. 2003.  EAD help pages – readings. EAD Round Table of the Society of American Archivists. 2003. EAD help pages – readings.

Selection of on-line readings and Internet sites that contain information on XML and SGML.

Edmondson, Ray. 2004. Audiovisual Archiving. Philosophy and Principles. Paris: UNESCO.

Revision of Philosophy of Audiovisual Archiving published by UNESCO in 1998. This revised and renamed document reflects the changes that have occurred in the audiovisual archiving field in the intervening period, ranging from the challenges of digitization and technological changes. Includes a brief chapter on cataloging moving images.

New browser window will open for the English version. English version

New browser window will open for the French version. French version

New browser window will open for the Spanish version. Spanish version

Eidson, Matthew Young. 2002. "Describing Anything that Walks: the Problem Behind the Problem of EAD." Journal of Archival Organization 1, no. 4: 5-28.

Analyzes the disadvantages of archival finding aids: the absence of users in the initial design of EAD and descriptive standards, the absence of appraisal as a guiding function in archives, and major technical obstacles.

Fast, K. V. and D. G. Campbell, 2001. "The Ontological Perspectives of the Semantic Web and the Metadata Harvesting Protocol: Applications of Metadata for Improving Web Search." Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 26, no. 4: 5-19.

Compares the implied ontological frameworks of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and the World Wide Web Consortium's Semantic Web. Both initiatives respond to current search engine technology, particularly the equation of 'Web page' with 'document', which has proved to be inadequate for efficient retrieval. The Semantic Web aims to mitigate these problems by introducing semantic mark up, providing highly granular access to semantically meaningful segments within entire Web documents. This approach is continuous with the indexing principles of special libraries and online databases. The OAI-PMH on the other hand, works through the provision of metadata records supplied by the data provider to a metadata repository, and thus emphasizes the documents as the central ontological entity, resembling the 'document access' model of traditional subject heading schemes.

New browser window will open for Green, David. 1997. "Beyond Word and Image: Networking Moving Images: More Than Just the "Movies." D-Lib Magazine. Green, David. 1997. "Beyond Word and Image: Networking Moving Images: More Than Just the "Movies." D-Lib Magazine

The first of a two-part examination of networking cultural heritage materials.

Ho, Jeannette. 2001. "Faculty and Graduate Student Search Patterns and Perceptions of Videos in the Online Catalog." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 33, no. 2: 69-88.

In this study, Texas A&M University faculty and graduate students from 16 departments completed a survey about their methods of finding videocassettes in the library, how they searched the online catalog LibCat for videocassettes, and their perceptions of catalog record elements. Results showed that the majority of respondents used LibCat the most often for finding videocassettes, performed title searching, and were satisfied with known item searches. Finally, respondents considered authors of original works, actors, and directors as useful to both search and view in LibCat, while few perceived editor, consultant, and cameraperson as useful.

Hudon, Michèle, James Turner, et Yves Devin. 2001. "Description et indexation des collections d'images en mouvement: résultats d'une enquête." Documentation et bibliothèques 47, no. 1: 5-12.

Les auteurs s'intéressent au vocabulaire et à la structure de langages d'indexation employés pour la description des contenus d'images en mouvement, lesquelles traitent d'objets et de situations de tous les jours. Onze organismes gestionnaires de quatorze collections d'images ont complété un questionnaire. Une visite sur place a suivi. Les résultats de la recherche indiquent qu'environ la moitié des collections importantes est indexée à l'aide d'un vocabulaire contrôlé, lequel est souvent un thésaurus. Malgré les similarités entre collections, les vocabulaires contrôlés sont très divers. On décrit les collections en employant des méthodes et des techniques maison, sans normalisation.

New browser window will open for Hunter, Jane. 1999. "MPEG-7 Behind the Scenes. " D-Lib Magazine. Hunter, Jane. "MPEG-7 Behind the Scenes." D-Lib Magazine, vol. 5, no. 9.(September 1999)

Provides a better understanding of the objectives and components of the MPEG-7, "Multimedia Content Description Interface" standard, an overview of the current state of its development and an idea of its expected impact on digital libraries of the future.

New browser window will open for IFLA Cataloguing Section, FRBR Review Group. FRBR Bibliography. IFLA Cataloguing Section, FRBR Review Group. FRBR Bibliography

The FRBR Review Group maintains a bibliography/webliography devoted to the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.

Laplante, Audrey. 2003. "MétroMéta." Argus 32, no. 1: 7-8.

Entretien avec Véronique Moal sur la genèse du MétroMéta, un outil pédagogique et de référence sous forme d'un plan de métro qui fournit des renseignements (acronymes, définitions, liens conceptuels, etc.) sur les normes, les initiatives et les ensembles de métadonnees dans le domaine des sciences de l'information.

Leigh, Andrea. 2002. "Lucy is Enceinte: the Power of an Action in Defining a Work." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 33, nos. 3/4: 99-127. Co-published simultaneously in Works as Entities for Information Retrieval, ed. Richard Smiraglia. New York: The Haworth Information Press: 99-127.

Provides a theoretical framework for describing works of performance, using the seminal television series I Love Lucy as a case study. Descriptive areas in AACR2R are explored, particularly issues related to seriality, whole-part relationships, and the use of work identifiers in the collocation of episodes.

MacNeil, Heather. 1995. "Metadata Strategies and Archival Description: Comparing Apples to Oranges." Archivaria 39:22-33.

Examines the assumptions about the nature of archival description and of metadata on which metadata strategies are grounded, for the purposes of ascertaining whether the skepticism concerning the capacity of traditional description to meet the challenges of electronic records creation is justified, whether the use of metadata as archival description is consistent with their nature and purpose, and whether metadata is capable of serving archival descriptive purposes.

New browser window will open for the National Information Standards Organizations (NISO). 2004. Understanding Metadata. National Information Standards Organizations (NISO). 2004. Understanding Metadata

A general introduction to metadata. Overview of leading metadata contenders and examples of practical applications.

New browser window will open for the National Film Preservation Foundation.  2004.  Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums. San Francisco, CA: NFPF. National Film Preservation Foundation. 2004. Film Preservation Guide: The Basics for Archives, Libraries, and Museums. San Francisco, CA: NFPF

Basic primer on preservation designed for archives, libraries, and museums. Chapter 7, written by Paul Eisloeffel, provides an overview on cataloging practices in moving image archives.

Pitti, Daniel and Wendy M. Duff, eds. 2001. Encoded Archival Description on the Internet. New York: Haworth Press. Co-published simultaneously as Journal of Internet Cataloging 4, nos. 3/4.

Articles providing an introduction to archival description and EAD, examples of its use in various contexts, and its impact on users and reference services.

Prom, Christopher J. 2002. "Does EAD Play Well with Other Metadata Standards?: Searching and Retrieving EAD using OAI protocols." Journal of Archival Organization 1, no. 3: 51- 72.

The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting has been suggested as a simple method by which cultural heritage metadata might be exchanged and searched. This paper explores some of the challenges posed by EAD and issues related to interoperability.

Shaw, Elizabeth J. 2001. "Rethinking EAD: Balancing Flexibility and Interoperability." New Review of Information Networking 7: 117-132.

The EAD DTD was intentionally designed to allow for a great deal of flexibility. However, this permissive data model hampers data exchange. This paper argues that a more prescriptive descriptive standard will greatly enhance the potential for machine processing of finding aids across repositories.

New browser window will open for the Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources (SULAIR). Introduction to Metadata. Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources (SULAIR). Introduction to Metadata

General information and resources related to metadata principles and crosswalks.

New browser window will open for Terris, Olwen. 1998.  There Was This Film About * The Case for the Shotlist.  Journal of Film Preservation 56: 54-57
. Terris, Olwen. 1998. There Was This Film About * The Case for the Shotlist. Journal of Film Preservation 56: 54-57

Explains the concept of shotlisting as a method of providing access to an archive’s collections.

New browser window will open for Terris, Olwen. 1998. Cataloguing from Secondary Sources. Journal of Film Preservation 57: 28-32. Terris, Olwen. 1998. Cataloguing from Secondary Sources. Journal of Film Preservation 57: 28-32

Suggests that cataloging from primary resources (i.e. the film itself) is not a realistic option for most archives. Instead, the principal source for cataloging archival films and videorecordings is the established body of knowledge as recorded by scholars, researchers and principals involved in the original production.

New browser window will open for Terris, Olwen. 2001.  "What You Don't See and Don't Hear: Subject Indexing Moving Images." Journal of Film Preservation 62: 40-43. Terris, Olwen. 2001. "What You Don't See and Don't Hear: Subject Indexing Moving Images." Journal of Film Preservation 62: 40-43

Argues that human generated subject indexing is essential in order to adequately express concepts that users seek in moving images.

Thivolle, Laurence. 1998. "Apport de la méthode d'analyse iconographique d'Erwin Panofsky pour l'analyse documentaire des images" = "Contribution of Erwin Panofsky's Iconographical Analysis to the Documentary Analysis of Images." Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 23, nos. 1/2: 31-49.

Les sciences de l’information s’inspirent de la méthode d’analyse d’Erwin Panofksy pour la création d’outils et de méthodes d’analyse documentaire des images. Dans de nombreux cas, l’exploitation de cette méthode n’a été que partielle en raison de certains aspects non transposables. Cet article tente d’éclaircir les atouts et les limites d’une transposition en reprenant la méthode de Panofsky telle quelle et sous un angle sémiotique. Par la suite, il propose des ouvertures théoriques pour la formalisation de l’analyse documentaire des images.

Turner, J. M., and F. P. Belanger. 1996. Escaping from Babel: improving the terminology of mental models in the literature of human-computer interaction. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 21, no. 3/4: 35-58.

Mental models are widely employed in building and using computer systems. It is not easy for authors to agree on suitable terminology for referring to the concepts arising from the need to discuss models and modeling activity. Over the past several years, confusion has arisen about the meaning of many of the terms. This article discusses this problem, attempts to sort out the various meanings found in the literature, and offers definitions that could help in developing a more standardized terminology for discussing issues of concern to researchers in human-computer interaction. The role of mental models in learning and using information retrieval systems is also discussed.

New browser window will open for Turner, James M. and Abby A. Goodrum, 2002. Modeling videos as works [online].  Cataloging and Classification Quarterly  33, nos. 3/4: 27-38. Co-published simultaneously in Works as entities for information retrieval, ed. Richard Smiraglia. New York: The Haworth Information Press: 27-38. Turner, James M. and Abby A. Goodrum, 2002. Modeling videos as works [online]. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 33, nos. 3/4: 27-38. Co-published simultaneously in Works as entities for information retrieval, ed. Richard Smiraglia. New York: The Haworth Information Press: 27-38

The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and other important news events offer rich examples of the complexity involved in understanding how managing video news material can be modeled. The need for taxonomy of some of the instantiations of material that need to be managed in the context of a news video library is identified.

Turner, James M. et Jean-Francois Roulier. 1999. "La description d'images fixes et en mouvement par deux groupes linguistiques, anglophone et francophone, au Québec." Documentation et bibliothèques 45, no. 1:17-22.

Cet article présente les résultats d'un projet de recherche faisant partie d'une série d'études sur l'indexation d'images fixes et en mouvement. Il s'agissait d'examiner le niveau d'équivalence entre francophones et anglophones dans leur choix d'expressions verbales décrivant des images. Les auteurs ont trouvé un grand degré de similarité dans les descriptions provenant des deux groupes. Ces résultats appuient l'hypothèse qu'on peut automatiser l'indexation bilingue ou même multilingue.

Wackerman, Ellie, 2001. "Review of Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual." The Moving Image 1, no. 2: 186-189.

Reviews the second edition of this specialized cataloging manual. Revised and expanded, the second edition (AMIM2) was published in 2000 by the Library of Congress in order to update the original manual, published in 1984. Mainly discusses the value of utilizing these specialized rules, the differences between Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition, and AMIM2, and the differences between the first and second editions.

Wallace, David A. 1995. "Managing the Present: Metadata as Archival Description." Archivaria 39: 11-21.

Archival practice needs to adapt to the emergence of electronic records, and a meta-information approach needs to be developed in order to manage these records. The author suggests that archival description needs to take place during the entire life cycle of documents, not just at the end of the cycle, otherwise important contextual information may be lost. In this way, continuous recording of contextual and structural metadata fosters broad understanding and better access to documents. The archivist becomes the manager responsible for collecting, organizing and managing descriptive content.

Whyde, John S. 1991. "Issues in the Cataloging of Commercially Available Videocassettes of Television Programs." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 13, no. 1:31-50.

Yee, Martha M. 2001. "Two Genre and Form Lists for Moving Image and Broadcast Materials: A Comparison." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 31, no. 3/4: 237-295. Published simultaneously in The Audiovisual Cataloging Current. ed. Sandra K. Roe. New York: Haworth Information Press: 237-295.

Provides help in deciding which of the two available sources of genre and form terms for moving image materials to use for your collection.

Yee, Martha M. and Sara Shatford Layne. 1998. Improving Online Public Access Catalogs. Chicago: American Library Association.

Provides help in figuring out how to configure public access cataloging software to index and display MARC records.

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Updated: March 21, 2005
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