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National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

A Federal resource for professionals, parents and youth working to prevent violence committed by and against young people.

Violence Prevention Topics

A New Direction for the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC)

Effective October 2007, the NYVPRC shifted from its original focus on serving the general public to a more limited focus on serving local government and community leaders who are best positioned to plan, implement, and sustain community-wide youth violence prevention strategies. See About Us for more details about the new direction for the NYVPRC.

Among other tasks to be completed, this transition will include evaluating all existing topics at our website for their relevance to the new mission of the NYVPRC and for their currency. Topics determined to be relevant to serving local government and community leaders—current to within the last 4 years—will be kept. All other topics will be removed from the site. This process is currently underway, and it is expected to be completed by early 2009. Thereafter, new topics consistent with the new mission of the NYVPRC will be added to the site and updated on an ongoing basis.

Topics by Category

Browse these topics to locate online resources with a specific theme, or search our publications or organizations sections.

Also see Topics by Alphabetical Index

Abuse and Neglect


Prevention Programs

Crime and Delinquency

Mental Illness/Mental Health

Violent Behaviors

Violence -- Types of Violence

Substance Abuse



Social Services


Program Planning

Populations -- Victims and Perpetrators of Violence


Risk And Protective Factors