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Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
Economy Act Application to Condemnation Proceedings
B-95136, July 12, 1978
Authority of the General Services Administration To Charge the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners for Space It Occupies
B-95136, November 17, 1978
[Interpretation of Executive Order 12072]
B-95136, March 10, 1980
Review and Evaluation of GSA Proposals for Building Projects
B-95136, May 22, 1974
[GSA Use of Rental of Space Funds for Lump-Sum Payments for Initial Alterations to Leased Premises]
B-95136, August 8, 1979
[Landlord's Failure To Provide Cafeteria for Federal Workers]
B-95136, August 4, 1981
GSA Leasing Practices in Regards to Public Buildings Act of 1959
B-95136, October 11, 1979
Prospectus To Renovate the U.S. Customhouse at One Bowling Green, New York
B-95136, March 20, 1979
B-95136, AUG 8, 1979
B-95136, August 8, 1979
B-95136, JUL. 12, 1978, 57 COMP.GEN. 591
B-95136, July 12, 1978
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