Marine Mammals Management
Alaska Region


Polar Bear

To receive a copy of a publication or report listed here, please contact:
Marine Mammals Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
or call 907-786-3800
Stock Assessment Reports

Polar Bear - Southern Beaufort Sea Stock (272kb)
Polar Bear - Chukchi/Bering Seas Stock (306kb)

For more information, visit the Stock Assessment Reports page.

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Evans, T.J., A.S. Fischbach, S. L. Schliebe, B.F. Manly, S.B. Kalxdorff, and G.S. York. 2003. In Press. Polar bear aerial survey in the eastern Chukchi sea: a pilot study. Arctic 00(0): 000-000.

Brower, C.D., A. Carpenter, M. Branigan, W. Calvert, T. Evans, A. Fischbach, J. Nagy, S. Schliebe, and I. Stirling. 2002. The polar bear management agreement of the southern Beaufort Sea: an evaluation of the first ten years of a unique conservation agreement. Arctic 55(4): 362-372.

Schliebe, S.L., J.W. Bridges, T.J. Evans, S.B. Kalxdorff, A.S. Fischbach, and L. Lierheimer. 2002. Polar bear management in Alaska 1997-2000 In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K.

Howlin, S. M. Stishov, L.McDonald, S. Schliebe. 2001. Modeling polar bear den site selection on Wrangel Island. Submitted Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

Kalxdorff, S., S. Schliebe, and S. Belikov. 2001. U.S./Russia Bilateral Agreement on Polar Bears Breaks New Ground in International conservation. In: CAFF: Arctic Flora and Fauna: Status and Conservation. Helsinki, Finland. 272pp.

Schliebe, S.L. 2001. United States-Russia sign polar bear accord. In: Arctic Bulletin; World Wildlife Fund No. 4, p.17.

Schliebe, S.L. 1999. Conservation and the polar bear hunt. In: Arctic Bulletin; World Wildlife Fund No. 3, p.18.

Schliebe, S.L., T.J. Evans, A.S. Fischbach, and M.A. Cronin. 1999. Using genetics to verify sex of harvested polar bears: management implications. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1999: 27(3).

Garner. G.W., S.E. Belikov, M.S. Stishov, O. Wiig, A. Boltunov, G.I. Belchansky, D.C. Douglas, L.L. McDonald, D.M. Mulcahy, and S. Schliebe. 1998. Polar bear research in Western Alaska, Eastern and Western Russia 1993-1996. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K.

Norstrom, R.J., S.E. Belikov, E.W. Born, G.W. Garner, B. Malone, S. Olpinski, M.A. Ramsay, S. Schliebe, I. Stirling, M.S. Stishov, M.K. Taylor, and O. Wiig. 1998. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in polar bears from Eastern Russia, North America, Greenland, and Svalbard: Biomonitoring of arctic pollution. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology; 35: 354-367.

Schliebe, S.L., T.J. Evans, A.S. Fischbach, and S.B. Kalxdorff. 1998. Summary of polar bear management in Alaska. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K.

Schliebe, S.L., S.C. Amstrup, and G.W. Garner. 1993. The status of polar bear in Alaska 1993. Pages 125-138 in Proceedings of the Eleventh Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K.

Schliebe, S.L. and T.J. Evans. 1993. Polar bear management in Alaska 1988-92. Pages 139-144 in: Proceedings of the Eleventh Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K.

Nageak, B.P., C.D.N. Brower, and S.L. Schliebe. 1991. Polar bear management in the southern Beaufort Sea: An Agreement between the Inuvialuit Game Council and the North Slope Borough Fish and Game Committee. In: Transactions of North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 56:337-343.

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Technical Reports

Kalxdorff, Susanne B. 2003. Demography and behavior of polar bears feeding on stranded marine mammal carcasses in the Beaufort Sea region, Alaska. Interim Report to Minerals Management Service, Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 24pp.

Kalxdorff, S., S. Schliebe, T. Evans, and K. Proffitt. 2002. Aerial surveys of polar bears along the coast and barrier islands of the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, September-October 2001. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 27pp.

Schliebe, S., S. Kalxdorff, and T. Evans. 2001. Aerial surveys of polar bears along the coast and barrier islands of the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, September-October 2000. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 23pp.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. Oil spill response plan for polar bears in Alaska. Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 21pp.

Kalxdorff, Susanne B. 1998. Distribution and abundance of marine mammal carcasses along beaches of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, Alaska, 1995-1997. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Technical Report MMM 98-1; Anchorage, Alaska. 27pp.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Stock assessment for polar bear (Ursus maritimus) - Alaska Chukchi/Bering Seas Stock and Southern Beaufort Sea Stock. 35pp.

Kalxdorff, Susanne B. 1997. Collection of local knowledge regarding polar bear habitat use in Alaska. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Technical Report MMM 97-2; Anchorage, Alaska. 55pp.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Final environmental assessment: Development of proposed treaty U.S./Russia bilateral agreement for the conservation of polar bears in the Chukchi/Bering Seas. Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 60pp.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Final Environmental Assessment: Development of legal and scientific findings for permit regulations for importing polar bear trophies from Canada. 22pp.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Habitat conservation strategy for polar bears in Alaska. Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 232pp.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Conservation plan for the polar bear in Alaska. Marine Mammals Management, Anchorage, Alaska. 79pp.

Schliebe, S.L. 1989. Occurrence and distribution of walrus and other marine mammal carcasses along western Alaska beaches in the Chukchi Sea: August 1989. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report; Anchorage, Alaska. 8pp.

Last updated: September 10, 2008