Entry_ID: (required) Entry_Title: 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment Continuous-Type Plays within the Raton Basin - Sierra Grande Uplift Province Group: Data_Set_Citation Originator(s): United States Geological Survey (USGS) Title: 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment Continuous-Type Plays within the Raton Basin - Sierra Grande Uplift Province Publication: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series Publication_Date: 1996 Publication_Place: Denver, Colorado Publisher: USGS Central Energy Team End_Group Keyword: National Oil and Gas Assessment Keyword: Energy Resources Keyword: Oil Keyword: Natural Gas Keyword: Resource Assessment Keyword: Earth Science Keyword: Natural Resources Keyword: U.S. Geological Survey Keyword: USGS Keyword: Geology Keyword: Play Boundaries Keyword: Keighin, C.W. Group: Temporal_Coverage Start_date: 1996 Stop_date: 1996 End_Group Data_Set_Progress: Complete Group: Spatial_Coverage Southernmost_Latitude: 35.38947334 Northernmost_Latitude: 38.26518853 Westernmost_Longitude: -105.7968969 Easternmost_Longitude: -103.0019659 End_Group Location: United States Location: Rocky Mountains and Northern Great Plains Location: Raton Basin - Sierra Grande Uplift Location: CO Location: NM Group: Data_Resolution End_Group Access_Constraints: none Use_Constraints: none Originating_Center: (required) Group: Data_Center Data_Center_Name: U.S. Geological Survey, Central Energy Team Group: Data_Center_Contact Last_name: U.S. Geological Survey, Central Energy Team First_name: N/A Email: lbiewick@usgs.gov Phone: (303) 236-7773 Group: Address U.S. Geological Survey MS939, Box 25046 Denver, Colorado 80225 USA End_Group End_Group End_Group Storage_Medium: ARC/INFO version 7.0.4 Group: Distribution Distribution_Media: online Distribution_Format : ArcView shapefile Fees: None End_Group Group: Distribution Distribution_Media: online Distribution_Format : ArcInfo export Fees: None End_Group Group: Reference End_Group Group: Summary The purpose of the play map is to illustrate the geologic boundary of the play as defined for the 1995 U.S. National Assessment. The play was used as the fundamental assessment unit. The fundamental geologic unit used in the 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment was the play, which is defined as a set of known or postulated oil and or gas accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties, such as source rock, migration pathways, timing, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type. The geographic limit of each play was defined and mapped by the geologist responsible for each province. The play boundaries were defined geologically as the limits of the geologic elements that define the play, such as the limits of the reservoir rock, geologic structures, source rock, and seal lithologies. The only exceptions to this are plays that border the Federal-State water boundary. In these cases, the Federal-State water boundary forms part of the play boundary. The play boundaries were defined in the period 1993-1994. Continuous oil and gas plays within province 41 (Raton Basin - Sierra Grande Uplift) are listed here by play number and name: >Number Name > 4150 Northern Raton Basin > 4151 Raton Basin - Purgatoire River > 4152 Southern Raton Basin End_Group Group: DIF_Author Last_name: U.S. Geological Survey, Central Energy Team First_name: N/A Email: lbiewick@usgs.gov Phone: (303) 236-7773 Group: Address U.S. Geological Survey MS939, Box 25046 Denver, Colorado 80225 USA End_Group End_Group DIF_Revision_Date: 20010417 Science_Review_Date: