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MedCAC Meetings

 9/28/2004 - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is reviewing its national coverage decision regarding the diagnosis of patients with OSA requiring CPAP therapy.  Current national coverage guidelines specify that only a polysomnography done in a facility-based sleep study laboratory be used to identify patients with OSA requiring CPAP (CIM 60-17).  CMS has received a Request [PDF, 78KB] from Dr Terence M. Davidson, MD, of the University of California San Diego, School of Medicine to modify this decision to include the use of portable multi-channel home sleep testing devices as an alternative to facility-based polysomnography in the evaluation of OSA.

Federal Register Notice

Download Minutes [PDF, 464KB].

Panel Voting Questions

Download Qs and As [PDF, 45KB].

Ron Davis, MD  
Center for Health Promotion and  
Disease Prevention  
Henry Ford Hospital Consumer Representative
  Joan Samuelson
Voting Members  
David C. Dale, MD Industry Representative
University of Washington Michael Lacey
Department of Medicine Boston Scientific Corporation
A. Mark Fendrick, MD Guest Panelists
Internal Medicine and Health Robert D. Hoover, Jr., MD, MPH
Management & Policy DMERC Region D CIGNA HealthCare
University of Michigan Medicare Administration
G. Scott Gazelle, MD, MPH, PhD S. Satya-Murti, MD
Institute for Technology Assessment Region VII
Massachusetts General Hospital Kansas Blue Shield
Clifford Goodman. PhD Barry Whites, MD, FCCP, MSHA
The Lewin Group Region IV
   TriSpan Health Services
Alexander Krist, MD  
Fairfax Family Practice Residency CMS Liaison
Virginia Commonwealth University Steve Phurrough, MD
Michael Maves, MD, MBA Coverage and Analysis Group,
American Medical Association Office of Clinical Standards and Quality,
Rita F. Redberg, MD, MSc, FACC  
Division of Cardiology Executive Secretary
UCSF School of Medicine Janet Anderson Brock
Jonathan P. Weiner, PhD  
Division of Health Services Research,  
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health  
Associated NCA
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) (CAG-00093R)

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