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TANF Banner: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

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Table 3(b)
Work-Related Measures
Rates of FY 2006 and FY 2005 Performance, by Work-Related Measures (in percent)
State FY 2006 Performance Rates FY 2005 Performance Rates
Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain Job Entry Job Retention Earnings Gain
U.S. Average* 35.64 64.70 33.80 34.33 64.41 35.52
Alabama 41.98 49.61 41.38 28.68 64.68 45.85
Alaska 39.33 66.41 36.19 36.51 66.09 38.74
Arizona 37.93 60.89 42.21 35.71 58.74 42.23
Arkansas 39.91 64.02 46.92 38.55 62.79 51.59
California 32.13 70.01 24.78 30.37 70.49 26.62
Colorado 17.88 64.33 37.44 18.77 59.29 42.72
Connecticut 18.77 67.17 36.07 39.80 69.30 35.40
Delaware 40.61 66.13 39.09 40.21 64.30 37.35
Dist. of Col. 36.09 65.06 23.23 37.56 65.68 22.85
Florida 37.79 57.22 39.36 38.98 65.07 50.24
Georgia 44.38 67.22 53.91 40.13 67.81 54.27
Hawaii 30.90 71.49 32.73 18.91 73.42 31.99
Idaho 45.19 66.46 67.88 41.41 68.90 77.70
Illinois 37.22 68.41 34.56 34.51 67.54 35.78
Indiana 41.71 66.29 27.54 40.44 66.05 30.70
Iowa 42.95 68.92 43.94 40.99 67.25 44.33
Kansas 42.16 64.79 44.97 40.40 63.09 48.78
Kentucky 38.70 56.13 40.23 29.24 53.11 41.00
Louisiana 36.36 60.04 49.67 33.90 47.02 40.19
Maine 32.05 66.29 31.67 33.86 64.16 27.67
Maryland 37.91 65.06 48.75 38.87 63.48 45.15
Massachusetts 30.34 58.27 42.79 29.66 58.59 41.56
Michigan 39.45 62.99 41.43 38.87 51.45 39.52
Minnesota 39.54 68.14 36.22 39.29 65.95 37.74
Mississippi 38.00 57.52 38.40 37.56 55.99 39.01
Missouri 43.93 66.68 31.87 34.62 67.73 29.44
Montana 42.57 66.14 59.51 40.32 61.06 61.24
Nebraska 40.91 68.07 48.01 39.67 66.29 47.43
Nevada 28.01 70.51 44.39 39.71 66.53 36.62
New Hampshire 34.15 61.61 48.30 35.03 64.24 48.68
New Jersey 36.10 60.42 35.82 36.11 61.35 37.79
New Mexico 34.64 55.36 31.70 29.39 64.03 34.53
New York 30.00 64.91 28.53 31.27 63.30 30.43
North Carolina 36.24 58.28 52.08 28.65 58.12 53.83
North Dakota 41.83 66.21 41.84 38.80 65.22 40.81
Ohio 31.88 63.34 49.82 31.90 62.63 49.52
Oklahoma 36.20 58.24 57.90 36.26 61.13 57.60
Oregon 29.61 59.93 64.75 29.59 60.07 71.77
Pennsylvania 34.97 57.87 40.90 33.40 58.38 41.84
Puerto Rico            
Rhode Island 34.62 67.38 31.76 34.92 66.21 30.94
South Carolina 27.41 63.54 44.14 24.78 65.58 41.98
South Dakota 30.45 61.37 70.82 34.02 61.70 79.55
Tennessee 39.42 69.07 20.10 40.52 68.81 19.66
Texas 36.55 68.39 28.73 35.05 67.54 32.58
Utah 40.02 67.55 59.92 35.78 64.51 60.41
Vermont 35.59 61.49 42.13 36.93 62.43 41.56
Virgin Islands            
Virginia 46.28 72.49 21.73 48.30 72.70 25.10
Washington 34.25 59.11 47.17 34.59 63.12 50.97
West Virginia 30.79 57.66 58.34 31.56 58.16 52.77
Wisconsin 31.98 61.78 59.71 34.15 62.63 59.77
Wyoming 11.93 60.67 47.56 33.92 60.70 52.24
* U.S. Average excludes Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.

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