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Table of Contents | Foreword | Prologue | Preface | Organization | Acknowledgments

Geomorphology from Space is an out of print 1986 NASA publication edited by Nicholas M. Short, Sr. and Robert W. Blair, Jr. designed for use by the remote sensing science and educational communities to study landforms and landscapes.

The core of this book is a gallery of space imagery consisting of 237 plates, each treating a geographic region where a particular landform theme is exemplified. Commentary, photographs, locator maps, and sometimes a geologic map accompany each plate.

Regional landforms by location
Lop Nur, Tarim Basin, China
Great Bahama Bank
Mt. Ararat, Turkey


Table of Contents | Foreword | Prologue | Preface | Organization | Acknowledgments

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  • Last updated: Aug 17, 2009 05:05 PM ET