August 16, 2000

The Honorable John T. Conway
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20004-2901

Dear Mr. Chairman:

With this letter, I am pleased to report the completion of four commitments in the Department's 2000-1 Implementation Plan:

  1. IP 203: Resume Bagless Transfer System Operation
    Due Date: June 2000. Completed: June 22, 2000

  2. IP 204: Begin Conceptual Design for 23 5-F Stabilization project
    Due Date: July 2000. Completed July 14, 2000

  3. IP 226: Begin Phase 3 of H-canyon restart
    Due Date: June 2000. Completed June 15, 2000

  4. IP 501: Inventory report at Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Due Date: June 15, 2000. Completed August 3, 2000.

Enclosed are two memoranda documenting the closure actions taken for these commitments. We propose closure of these commitments.

We continue to closely track progress on all Recommendation 2000-1 commitments and will keep you and your staff apprised of our progress. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me, or have a member of your staff call me on (202) 586-5151.


David G. Huizenga
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Integration and Disposition

Office of Environmental Management


Note: These enclosures are available in [PDF].