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Course Details

UST901: Introduction to the Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Program and Basic UST Inspector Training Courses

Course Description:
  These Web-based courses are designed to meet the training requirements for inspectors under EPA Order 3500.1. They orient new employees, provide refresher training, and supplement annual training for the Underground Storage Tanks (UST) program. Topics include preparation for field inspections, on-site equipment inspections, compliance records review, purpose and goals of the UST program, history of the UST program, financial responsibility requirements, and the federal UST regulations.
Target Audience:
  Job: Federal Employees, State Employees, Tribal Employees, Inspectors
Program: Compliance Assistance, Administrative, Civil
Primary Statute or Media:
October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2009, Computer at Your Desk, DCDetails
Course Contact:
  Timothy Smith
Course Team Leader and OECA Office:
  Timothy Smith
  Course is generally limited to 1000 participants per delivery.
Course Requirements or Conditions:
  This course is best taken using Internet Explorer (IE). To take this course, register at www.netionline.com. After registration, return to NETI Online and launch course from the CLASSROOM BUILDING. This course is also available on CD-ROM format.

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