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Culture : Haiti

A listing of web sites that provide information about art from Haiti or by Haitians. Art | Dance | Film | Music The most important source for bibliography of books and articles concerning Haiti is the annual Handbook of Latin American Studies ( produced by over 130 contributing editors under the editorship of the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress. Additional coverage of journal articles can be found through a subscription to the Hispanic American Periodical Index (   Both the Handbook and HAPI are available in selected libraries in book form.   One of the major aggregators for links to a wide variety of subjects relating to Haiti is the University of Texas' LANIC ( Another site one should especially note is the site prepared by the Law Library of the Library of Congress for legal, political, and general information on their Guide to Law Online (

Created and maintained by the
Hispanic Division, Collections and Services Directorate



Describes the exhibition entitled "Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou" that was on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, New York from October 10, 1998 - January 3, 1999. Includes event details, images from the exhibition, and a student guide. Details the vodou, or voodoo religion.

Mémoire de Femmes  (
32-a Mmoire de Femmes Nos femmes peintres Dans ces initiatives gouvernementales, ces coles d'Art, ces regroupements de peintres qui, de 1807 1930 (1), voient successivement et comme laborieusement le jour en Hati, aucune trace tangible d'un apport sinon d'une participation fminine. A croire que dans ce domaine galement, au demeurant d'une vitalit jusque-l des plus prcaires, les Hatiennes, encore une fois, ne feront une entre que mitige, et le pied une fois dans la place, y demeureront, pour longtemps.

La Rencontre des Trois Mondes  (
Trois continents, trois cultures, une histoire: Haiti. La Rencontre des Trois Mondes de Rose-Marie Desruisseau.

Art haitien et culture haitienne à Paris  (
Art haitien et culture haitienne à Paris, la Galerie Antoinette Jean propose le Grand Art d'Haiti : Saint Brice, Wilson Bigaud, Manès Descollines, Murat Saint-Vil, Lafortune Felix, Legagneur, Tiga.


Baptême et Danse  (
Trois continents, trois cultures, une histoire: Haiti. La Rencontre des Trois Mondes de Rose-Marie Desruisseau.

La Troupe Makandal  (
La Troupe Makandal.

Great Performances: Free To Dance - Biographies - Jean-L & eacute;on Destin & eacute  (
Great Performances: Free To Dance - Biographies - Jean-Lon Destin Jean-Lon Destin Occupation: dancer, choreographer Born in Saint-Marc, Haiti, to a wealthy family, Jean-Lon Destin spent his career bringing the art of Haiti to the rest of the world. Always interested in the powerful Haitian "vodoun" and the ritual dances integral to its practice, he studied and danced as a teenager with Lina Mathon-Blanchet, founder of the first Haitian dance company that based its work on its own folk traditions. He came.


Depestre, Ren & eacute; & laquo; Ha & iuml;ti dans tous nos r & ecirc;ves & raquo; (entretien avec Ghila Sroka) - & icirc;le en & icirc;le  (
Depestre, Ren Hati dans tous nos rves (entretien avec Ghila Sroka) - le en le Ren Depestre: Hati dans tous nos rves Entrevue avec Ren Depestre ralise le 24 sept 1997 par Ghila SROKA Tribune Juive: Ren Depestre, qui tes-vous au juste? Ren Depestre: La rponse rside dans le film Hati dans tous nos rves, de Jean-Daniel Lafond, qui relate mon parcours d'crivain. Le personnage de fiction dans ce film pourrait tre une premire dfinition de ce que je suis. La rponse est aussi dans mes livres, dans mes pomes avant.

Haiti & #058;Films  (
HaitiFilms HAITI FILMS Black Dawn Black Sugar Dreams of Democracy Grande Saline Haiti, A Forgotten Nation Haitian Song Man By the Shore A Pig's Tale Haiti The Struggle Continues The Other Haiti Voodoo and the Church in Haiti A List of Films that are Related to Haiti List of Zombie Movies MAIN HAITI PAGE Art, Music, & Dance Book Reviews Film History Library Literature Mailing List Miscellaneous Topics Notes on Books People to People Voodoo HOME Bob Corbett

Maya Deren in Haiti  (
Discussion of original 20,000 feet footage shot in Haiti in 1947, 1949 and 1954.

UN Video - Human Rights in Haiti  (
UN Video - Human Rights in Haiti UN Home Organization of American States In a delicate blend of paintings and exclusive footage, this documentary - the first of its kind - takes viewers through the history of Haitian people and the struggle for their rights. Through the eyes of victims.


CFC - Rythmes 2e trimestre 1997  (
CFC - Rythmes 2e trimestre 1997 Por trait Hati : Les ondes tropicales Hati douleurs, Hati couleurs. Tous les bouleversements politiques, toutes les misres socio-conomiques n'ont pas russi saper compltement la vitalit musicale de cette terre des Antilles. Portrait d'une cration qui rayonne de plus en plus sur la carte musicale du monde. Zsha, toutes les couleurs de l'explosif compas. Deuxime ville francophone d'Amrique, Port-au-Prince c'est un million et demi d'mes dans une fournaise ciel.

Haitian Music: list of recordings  (
Haitian Music: list of recordings PARTIAL LIST OF HAITIAN RECORDINGS FROM GAGE AVERILL LAST UPDATED: FEB. 3, 1999 The list below came to the Corbett mailing list compliments of Gage Averill in Feb. 1999. Now I hope that with his help and others of you who check this list, we might keep an increasingly complete list. Please don't hesitate to send additions to: Bob Corbett This list is from: Gage Averill In response to recent discussion concerning recommendations.

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March 9, 2006
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