Facilities Pricing Guide

About the DoD Facilities Pricing Guide for FY07 (UFC 3-701-07)

The DoD Facilities Pricing Guide (UFC 3-701-07) supports a spectrum of facility planning, investment, and analysis needs. This version of the Guide, revised for FY 2007 to reflect updated cost and pricing data for military construction, replacement, sustainment, modernization and operations, is intended to correspond with preparation of the DoD budget for FY 2009. It includes provides unit cost data and related adjustment factors for selected DoD facility types and is intended for use in preparing MILCON project documentation (DD Forms 1391) and other project-level estimates. MILCON unit costs are associated with a particular reference size for each facility type that can then be adjusted to the actual size for each project. Costs are expressed in FY 2009 and FY 2010 dollars.


The Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment is the proponent for the Facilities Pricing Guide. The proponent welcomes any recommendations from users toward improving the usefulness of this reference. Please e-mail your comments or questions to: DoD.Pricing.Guide@osd.mil.