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NOAA Technical Memoranda, NMFS Series

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About this search

Background: NMFS Science Centers and NMFS offices are responsible for publishing their own Technical Memoranda series and have made some available for download on various NMFS web sites. This page provides a central location for searching and retrieving the NMFS Technical Memoranda that are available on the various NMFS web sites. In addition, the NMFS Office of Science and Technology undertook a "data rescue" project and converted some of the older publications into PDF files. The Office of Science and Technology created a database listing bibliographic information for NMFS tech memos and links to those available on the Internet.

File Formats: the publications are primarily PDF files. Some publications are saved in one file. Some large publications were saved in multiple files based on chapters or sections. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the publications in PDF file format. The Reader as well as accessibility tools for PDF documents are available from Adobe at no cost.

What is available now: there are over 800 NMFS Technical Memoranda currently listed in the database that are available for download from NMFS web sites.

Two different types of searches: "Search in the Document" is based on an indexing of the words contained in the document. Search results are ranked by a score algorithm. Since some publications were saved in multiple files by chapter, this could result in some chapters being ranked higher than others. "Search the database" looks only at the words in the title or the author fields of the database. It does not use the score algorithm and it groups together all the files relating to a publication. Both searches allows you to narrow your search by TM series and years.

How documents are added to this database: the older publications that were "data rescued" by the Office of Science and Technology are listed in the database. NMFS Science Centers and offices that have published Technical Memoranda should contact the Science and Technology webmaster with bibliographic information and the URL(s), if available, to add to the database.

Who publishes the Technical Memoranda

For questions or comments about specific Technical Memoranda, contact the NMFS Science Center or office that published it.

Series: Published by:
AFSC, NWC Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Gary Duker
NE, NEC, NER Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Jon Gibson
NWC, NWFSC Northwest Fisheries Science Center
SEFSC, SEFC Southeast Fisheries Science Center
SWFSC Southwest Fisheries Science Center
SPO, OPR NMFS Headquarters offices, such as Office of Protected Resources and Office of Science and Technology

Additional resources: For questions or comments about this search page only, contact the webmaster at the Office of Science and Technology. Another research tool for publications is the NOAA Library on-line catalog.


Each publication usually lists citation information in the first few pages of the publication.

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