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Social Capital

    neighbors talkingThe fabric of a community and the community pool of human resources available to it is often called its “social capital.” This term refers to the individual and communal time and energy that is available for such things as community improvement, social networking, civic engagement, personal recreation, and other activities that create social bonds between individuals and groups.

    The way that we design our communities and the commuting distances and times that result can affect the amount of time that is available for

    • Extracurricular activities for our children
    • Recreation/rejuvenation time for adults after work
    • Community involvement activities such as neighborhood improvement projects and neighborhood association events
    • Time for family members to spend together

    Circumstances that prevent or limit the availability of social capital for a community and its members can have a negative effect on the health and well-being of the members of that community. These negative effects on health and well-being can in turn have negative effects on the community as a whole.

    For more information about social capital and community design, refer to the following resources:

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Landscape and Human Health Laboratory
    The Landscape and Human Health Laboratory (LHHL) is a multidisciplinary research laboratory dedicated to studying the connection between greenery and human health.

    Additional information on social capital and related topics can be found in the Additional Resources section.

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