MAYO2: W. D. Mayo Lock And Dam (L&D 14)

Data processed at Fri Jan 09 02:30:12 2009 Central Standard Time

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    SHEF ID:       MAYO2     W. D. Mayo Lock And Dam (L&D 14)
    Normal Pool:  Bottom =  411.00, Top =  413.00
                   INCHES      FEET      ACFT      FEET      FEET       CFS       CFS     DEG-F   DEGREES       MPH   PERCENT      W/M2     VOLTS     VOLTS
                     GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES  COMPRESQ  COMPRESQ      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES      GOES
    01/08 01:00      0.00    412.64     15198    392.28    392.50        94         0     40.66    245.60      3.59     63.86      1.00     13.93     13.59
    01/08 02:00      0.00    412.52     15007    392.01    412.88        94         0     45.72    240.70      5.77     54.03      0.00     13.92     13.59
    01/08 03:00      0.00    412.54     15039    391.85    412.73        94         0     45.72    250.00      4.42     50.12      2.00     13.93     13.36
    01/08 04:00      0.00    412.46     14911    392.02    412.74      2657         0     45.16    254.10      3.42     47.37      2.00     13.93     13.48
    01/08 05:00      0.00    412.44     14880    392.00    412.70      6535         0     41.97    116.40      0.40     48.47      3.00     13.93     13.48
    01/08 06:00      0.00    412.74     15357    392.20    412.59     14496      7200     39.13    349.20      0.40     52.26      0.00     13.92     13.59
    01/08 07:00      0.00    412.49     14959    393.74    412.64     20981     24200     34.74    209.00      0.40     57.21      0.00     13.92     13.48
    01/08 08:00      0.00    412.86     15547    394.83    412.68     27042     33000     31.98    178.30      0.74     62.10     36.00     13.92     13.36
    01/08 09:00      0.00    412.83     15500    394.94    412.74     30778     33000     41.86    327.10      0.40     63.19    230.00     13.93     13.36
    01/08 10:00      0.00    412.69     15277    394.97    412.81     33654     33000     46.38     24.00      2.58     58.12    367.00     13.94     13.48
    01/08 11:00      0.00    412.62     15166    394.30    412.90     32307     33000     49.91     14.70      2.24     51.84    468.00     13.94     13.59
    01/08 12:00      0.00    412.66     15229    393.90    412.94     32731     33000     52.09    108.40      2.92     46.21    516.00     13.94     13.59
    01/08 13:00      0.00    412.68     15261    393.86    412.94     32885     33000     55.94      8.80      1.74     41.51    500.00     13.94     13.59
    01/08 14:00      0.00    412.76     15388    393.92    412.92     33308     33000     55.49    356.80      1.74     39.19    444.00     13.94     13.59
    01/08 15:00      0.00    412.66     15229    393.08    412.92     33462     33000     57.36    133.30      2.08     36.57    334.00     13.95     13.48
    01/08 16:00      0.00    412.70     15293    392.85    412.97     32615     33000     59.13    121.80      0.40     34.92    185.00     13.95     13.36
    01/08 17:00      0.00    412.78     15420    392.72    413.03     31153     33000     58.35    342.60      1.41     34.07     20.00     13.94     13.36
    01/08 18:00      0.00    412.58     15102    393.46    395.84     31345     33000     50.43    329.90      0.40     39.87      0.00     13.95     13.59
    01/08 19:00      0.00    412.28     14625    394.65    394.96     31846     33000     47.03     19.10      0.40     44.99      0.00     13.94     13.36
    01/08 20:00      0.00    412.23     14546    394.89    395.21     31615     33000     44.94     81.10      0.40     51.10      1.00     13.94     13.48
    01/08 21:00      0.00    412.40     14816    394.01    394.31     33039     33000     43.95     39.80      0.40     55.31      1.00     13.93     13.36
    01/08 22:00      0.00    412.42     14848    392.61    392.89     33693     33000     44.62     88.40      0.40     56.35      0.00     13.94     13.36
    01/08 23:00      0.00    412.55     15054    392.12    392.47      ----      ----     43.30     56.70      2.08     57.81      1.00     13.91     13.48
    01/09 00:00      0.00    412.38     14784    392.37    412.78      ----      ----     41.76      0.90      3.25     60.93      0.00     13.94     13.36