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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Search Engines: Russia

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

This page contains links to Russian search engines and subject directories. Although many have clickable categories, all of them require the use of Cyrillic in order to perform a search. For additional search engines covering Russia see the Russian section of the portal Search Engine Colossus at

Апорт: ищет что надо (
Subject directory for the Russian-language Internet. In Russian.

Google: Россия (
Limited Russian-language subject directory and special image searching. In Russian.

Rambler (
Search engine for the Russian-language Internet plus a Russian-language web directory. In Russian.

Yahoo! Russia (
Search engine and directory of sites by categories includes business and economy, recreation and sports, society and culture, localities, and entertainment. The number of links is listed next to each category.

Yandex: Найдется все (
Russian subject directory which also offers full text of certain dictionaries and encyclopedias under the "Entsiklopedii" tab and current news under the "Novosti" tab. In Russian.

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  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Russia
  October 2, 2008
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