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Selected Internet Resources

Language and Literature: Russia

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

This pathfinder includes information about languages and literature in Russia. The electronic resources are divided into the following sections: Language, Dictionaries, and Literature.


ALA-LC Romanization Tables (
Useful when searching U.S. library catalogs for non-Latin scripts.

Ethnologue, Languages of the World (
Introductory site for languages of the world. Arranged by country and language. Also offers bibliographies for further reading. The Russian page provides information about the Russian language in use in Russia and other countries.

Грамота.ру: справочно-информационный портал (
Web site is supported by the Russian Ministry of Print, Television and Radio and Other Means of Mass Communications. Includes online dictionaries and reference materials on the Russian language. In Russian.

Minority Languages of Russia on the Net (
Extensive collection of links to information about minority languages in Russia. Web site is available in English and Russian.

Resources for Russian Linguistics (
Compiled by the Slavic Reference Service of the University of Illinois, this web site contains a guide to print and online resources for research on Russian linguistics.

Russian: An Interactive An On-line Reference Grammar (
Developed by a former professor of Slavic linguistics, this online Russian grammar covers the basics. The site also offers some interactive to test what has been learned.


A number of important Russian dictionaries are available in digital format, however they are often buried in larger sites such as subject directories. For example, V.I. Dal's 19th century Russian dictionary can be accessed at Yandex under the heading of "Entsiklopedii." Thus, some of the links in this section at first glance may appear unrelated to the topic of dictionaries. (
Russian-language site includes searching of several online dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Рамблер: словари (
The Russian search engine Rambler provides access to the Новый большой англо-русский словарь by Apresian and Mednikova (1993-1994) and the Русско-английский словарь by Smirnitsky (1992), among others. In Russian.

The Tower of Babel (
This web site allows online searching of three notable Russian dictionaries: Ozhegov, Zalizniak and Vasmer.

Yandex: Энциклопедии (
List of Russian dictionaries and encyclopedias available through Yandex. You may browse alphabetically or search by checking the box "искать только в этой энциклопедии" and then entering the search term. In Russian.


Computer Fund of Russian Language (
This site provides full-text of the works of many of the major Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, there is a selection of online newspapers from 1997. The web site is produced and maintained by the V.V.Vinogradov Institute for Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In Russian and English. Texts in Russian only.

Фундаментальная электронная библиотека: русская литература и фольклор (
Digital library devoted to Russian literature and folklore from the 11th-20th centuries. It provides full-text access to many literary texts and supporting scholarly works, including a number of Russian reference tools. The texts are in Russian, but there are English language pages explaining the site and its goals. It is produced by The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Классика.ру (
Online full-text library of many classics of Russian literature, including both prose and poetry. The site claims that it provides only items in the public domain. Besides full-text of literary works, there are also short biographies and portraits of the authors. In Russian. Библиотека Максима Мошкова (
Online library of Maxim Moshkov, which includes full-text of a wide variety of literature in many categories. In Russian.

Литература в сети (
Portal to information about Russian literature on the Internet. Includes links to collections of online versions of books, online periodicals, online bookstores, publisher web sites, book reviews, and other information. In Russian.

Лучшие электронные библиотеки: каталог (
Annotated list of the best Russian "electronic libraries" (collections of literature full-text online). Last updated in July 2006. In Russian.

Откыртая русская электронная библиотека (
The "Open Russian Electronic Library" project web site from the Russian State Library. Includes full text digitized books and materials in other formats. In Russian.

Рейтинг литературных сайтов (
we site provides extensive list of literary web sites and ranks them according to its assessment of them. In Russian.

Resources for Russian Literature (
Compiled by the Slavic Reference Service of the University of Illinois, this web site contains a guide to print and online resources for research on Russian literature.

Ruthenia (
Portal devoted to Russian literature. Compiled by the Department of Russian Literature, Tartu University, and the publishing house. In Russian.

Русская виртуальная библиотека (
Russian literature works according authentic sources, with academic commentaries and tools for textual analysis.

СовЛит: Советская литература: Тексты, библиография, исследования (
Full-text library of Soviet literature (1917-1991) with a strong emphasis on the 1920s. Some items are from an earlier period beginning in 1900. There is full-text or at least bibliographical citations for the contents of Russian literary journals, almanacs, and anthologies. The web site is supported by the Soros Foundation.

Вавилон: современная русская литература (
Full-text digital library of contemporary Russian writers. The web site also includes full-text of many literary journals. Photographic portraits of writers are found under the section entitled "Litsa russkoi literatury." In Russian.

Журнальный зал: электронная библиотека современных литературных журналов (
This gateway to online literary journals includes full-text of current and back issues of many major Russian periodicals such as Novyi mir, Oktiabr', Neva, Zvezda. In Russian.

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  October 2, 2008
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