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NOAA FISHERIES: Office of Science and Technology
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Stock Assessment Program

Stock assessments are designed to provide scientific advice to resource managers on the current status and future trends in abundance and productivity of exploited marine resources. Assessments provide the technical basis for setting annual fishery quotas and other fishery management measures that will achieve optimum yield from the fishery while avoiding overfishing and ecosystem harm. Confidently achieving this balance between exploitation and conservation requires substantial information about the fish stock, its fishery, ecosystem and habitat. At minimum, a quantitative stock assessment requires monitoring of catch, abundance, and biological characteristics of the stock. These three primary sources of data feed into mathematical models that represent the demographics of the harvested fish stock and produce estimates of relevant fishery management factors. Information on ecosystem and environmental effects is incorporated into the models, when possible, to improve the interpretation of historical information and the precision of forecasts.


Stock Assessment Improvement Plan

The Marine Fisheries Stock Assessment Improvement Plan is a report of the NOAA Fisheries National Task Force for Improving Fish Stock Assessments. The report, published in 2001, is a major contribution to NOAA Fisheries’ plan for enhancing and modernizing programs for data collection, information technology, data management, stock assessments, scientific research, and fisheries management. Included are specific recommendations for improving the quality of NOAA Fisheries' stock assessment programs (see Figure next) and emphasizes the need for the agency to foster partnerships and cooperative research programs with other federal and state agencies, private foundations, universities, commercial and recreational fishing organizations and individuals, environmental groups, and others with a vested interest in collecting similar types of data. The SAIP provides a standard classification of the levels of information needed to achieve tiers of excellence in stock assessments. The concepts developed in the SAIP have contributed significantly to subsequent NOAA and NOAA Fisheries Strategic Plans and to performance measures that track progress in stock assessment improvement.

Stock Assessment Toolbox

The NOAA Fisheries Stock Assessment Toolbox was developed to facilitate consistency, accuracy, accessibility and ease-of-use for computerized mathematical models used to conduct assessments of harvested fish stocks. The Toolbox is organized to provide a collection of independent programs. By 2003 the Toolbox contained 8 programs, and 5 more are scheduled for release in 2004. For each program, the calculation engine and graphical interface are independent modules so that the calculation engine may be developed using any language or tool needed and the graphical interfaces can be made as similar as possible. Manuals and context-sensitive help files have been developed for most of the programs. The toolbox committee, chaired by Dr. Richard Methot, has a representative from each Science Center and provides oversight. The Toolbox, is maintained by Alan Seaver at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center.

National Standard 1 Guidelines

NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Science and Technology has consistently played a significant role in the development of guidelines for implementation of the Sustainable Fisheries Act’s National Standard 1 (NS1). NS1 defines conditions for specification of optimum yield, overfishing and stock depletion, and criteria for rebuilding stocks to levels that can support sustainable fisheries. Quantification of all these factors depends upon reliable stock assessments. The National Stock Assessment workshops in 1991, 1992, and 1998 focused on developing technical advice from stock assessments for NS1 issues. Feature article in the 1999 Our Living Oceans report continued this theme by providing an overview of the precautionary approach to fishery management, including the role of stock assessments in quantifying this approach. In 2003, a new working group chaired by ST4 was formed to review the NS1 guidelines. The working group, delivered recommendations to NOAA Fisheries leadership in November 2003 for consideration in future revisions to NS1 Guidelines.

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