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Places & Cultures

Plaque, Mt Zion United Methodist Church, Washington, DC.
Washington, DC Historic Landmark plaque of the Mt Zion United Methodist Church. Photo by Marcia A. Smith,

"No place is a place until the things that have happened in it are
remembered in history, ballads, yarns, legends, or monuments."

---Wallace Stegner Where the Bluebird
Sings to the Lemonade Springs (1992)

A place is significant because of the meaning, memories, and experiences that people associate with it. Cultural practices associated with places include tangible materials, such as structures and artifacts, as well as intangible aspects of cultural expression: oral traditions, music, and community rituals. Units of the National Park System, National Historic Landmarks, properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, and the numerous other places protected by other federal agencies, state governments, American Indian tribes, local governments, and private property owners contribute to the preservation of these cherished places and cultures.

Here you will find information and links to not only National Park Service places, but also other resources that reflect the diverse heritage of American history and culture.


Sweet Auburn neighborhood, MLK, Jr. Historic District
A double shotgun house in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Historic District. Courtesy Cheryl Shropshire.

National Park Service Places and Resources

Learn about the historic sites, national parks, monuments, memorials, programs, and resources administered by the National Park Service that reflect the diversity of American culture.



View of arch in Chinatown, Washington, DC.

Other Places and Resources

Find memorials, museums, and historic places operated by other federal agencies, state governments, tribal governments, local governments, and private organizations.

The arch in Chinatown, Washington, DC. Photo by Marcia A. Smith.  

