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Complementary and Integrative Medicine Consult Service at the NIH Clinical Center

Copyright Bob StockfieldCopyright Bob StockfieldCopyright Bob StockfieldCopyright Bob Stockfield


The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine established the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Consult Service to serve the staff at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center in advancing the understanding of the benefits and limitations of the integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches into the research and practice of medicine.

The Complementary and Integrative Medicine Consult Service offers:

The Complementary and Integrative Medicine Consult Service is also developing and building a research program to establish and implement research tools and outcome parameters to advance the understanding and evidence base for the complementary use of botanicals, mind-body approaches, and manipulative/body-based techniques in clinical medicine.
