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45 CFR 1308.19 Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) serve as the basis for services provided to children with disabilities. Section 45 CFR 1308.19 offers parents, administrators, staff, related service providers and Head Start partners with the Federal requirements regarding these documents. Guidance is included to offer further detail on engaging parents in assessing their children.

45 CFR 1308.19 Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

Requirement for an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Components
Parental Notification
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Implementation

[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 45, Volume 4]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]
[CITE: 45CFR1308.19] [Page 169-170]
Subpart E_Education Services Performance Standards

Sec. 1308.19 Developing individualized education programs (IEPs)


Requirement for an Individualized Education Program (IEP)

(b) Every child receiving services in Head Start who has been evaluated and found to have a disability and in need of special education must have an IEP before special education and related services are provided to ensure that comprehensive information is used to develop the child's program.

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Individualized Education Program (IEP) Components

(e) The IEP must include:

(1) A statement of the child's present level of functioning in the social-emotional, motor, communication, self-help, and cognitive areas of development, and the identification of needs in those areas requiring specific programming.

(2) A statement of annual goals, including short term objectives for meeting these goals.

(3) A statement of services to be provided by each Head Start component that are in addition to those services provided for all Head Start children, including transition services.

(4) A statement of the specific special education services to be provided to the child and those related services necessary for the child to participate in a Head Start program. This includes services provided by Head Start and services provided by other agencies and non-Head Start professionals.

(5) The identification of the personnel responsible for the planning and supervision of services and for the delivery of services.

(6) The projected dates for initiation of services and the anticipated duration of services.

(7) A statement of objective criteria and evaluation procedures for determining at least annually whether the short-term objectives are being achieved or need to be revised.

(8) Family goals and objectives related to the child's disabilities when they are essential to the child's progress.

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Parental Notification

(j) Grantees and their delegates must make vigorous efforts to involve parents in the IEP process. The grantee must:

(1) Notify parents in writing and, if necessary, also verbally or by other appropriate means of the purpose, attendees, time and location of the IEP meeting far enough in advance so that there is opportunity for them to participate;

(2) Make every effort to assure that the parents understand the purpose and proceedings and that they are encouraged to provide information about their child and their desires for the child's program;

(3) Provide interpreters, if needed, and offer the parents a copy of the IEP in the parents' language of understanding after it has been signed;

(4) Hold the meeting without the parents only if neither parent can attend, after repeated attempts to establish a date or facilitate their participation. In that case, document its efforts to secure the parents' participation, through records of phone calls, letters in the parents' native language or visits to parents' homes or places of work, along with any responses or results; and arrange an opportunity to meet with the parents to review the results of the meeting and secure their input and signature.

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Individualized Education Program (IEP) Implementation

(k) Grantees must initiate the implementation of the IEP as soon as possible after the IEP meeting by modifying the child's program in accordance with the IEP and arranging for the provision of related services. If a child enters Head Start with an IEP completed within two months prior to entry, services must begin within the first two weeks of program attendance.

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45 CFR 1308.19 Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Head Start Program Performance Standards on Services for Children with Disabilities. 2006. English.

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