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45 CFR 1308.4 Individualization and the Disabilities Service Plan

The disability service plan guides service delivery to children with disabilities in multiple areas, but specifically addresses important issues of individualizing for students with special needs. Administrators and staff will find specific criteria related to inclusion, special education, related resources, placement options and state standards. The relevant sections of 45 CFR 1308.4 are included alongside the guidance that offers broader understanding of the requirements.

45 CFR 1308.4 Individualization and the Disabilities Service Plan

Provisions for Inclusion
Planning for Special Education and Related Services
The Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Placement Considerations
Meeting State Standards

[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 45, Volume 4]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]
[CITE: 45CFR1308.4] [Page 159-162]
Subpart B_Disabilities Service Plan

Sec. 1308.4 Purpose and Scope of the Disabilities Service Plan


Provisions for Inclusion

(c) The plan must include provisions for children with disabilities to be included in the full range of activities and services normally provided to all Head Start children and provisions for any modifications necessary to meet the special needs of the children with disabilities.

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Planning for Special Education and Related Services

(h) The grantee or delegate agency must arrange or provide special education and related services necessary to foster the maximum development of each child's potential and to facilitate participation in the regular Head Start program unless the services are being provided by the LEA or other agency. The plan must specify the services to be provided directly by Head Start and those provided by other agencies. The grantee or delegate agency must arrange for, provide, or procure services which may include, but are not limited to special education and these related services:

(1) Audiology services, including identification of children with hearing loss and referral for medical or other professional attention; provision of needed rehabilitative services such as speech and language therapy and auditory training to make best use of remaining hearing; speech conservation; lip reading; determination of need for hearing aids and fitting of appropriate aids; and programs for prevention of hearing loss;

(2) Physical therapy to facilitate gross motor development in activities such as walking prevent or slow orthopedic problems and improve posture and conditioning;

(3) Occupational therapy to improve, develop or restore fine motor functions in activities such as using a fork or knife;

(4) Speech or language services including therapy and use of assistive devices necessary for a child to develop or improve receptive or expressive means of communication;

(5) Psychological services such as evaluation of each child's functioning and interpreting the results to staff and parents; and counseling and guidance services for staff and parents regarding disabilities;

(6) Transportation for children with disabilities to and from the program and to special clinics or other service providers when the services cannot be provided on-site. Transportation includes adapted buses equipped to accommodate wheelchairs or other such devices if required; and

(7) Assistive technology services or devices necessary to enable a child to improve functions such as vision, mobility or communication to meet the objectives in the IEP.

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The Individualized Education Program (IEP)

(i) The disabilities service plan must include options to meet the needs and take into consideration the strengths of each child based upon the IEP so that a continuum of services available from various agencies is considered.

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Placement Considerations

(j) The options may include:

(1) Joint placement of children with other agencies;

(2) Shared provision of services with other agencies;

(3) Shared personnel to supervise special education services, when necessary to meet State requirements on qualifications;

(4) Administrative accommodations such as having two children share one enrollment slot when each child's IEP calls for part-time service because of their individual needs; and

(5) Any other strategies to be used to insure that special needs are met. These may include:

(i) Increased staff;

(ii) Use of volunteers; and

(iii) Use of supervised students in such fields as child development, special education, child psychology, various therapies and family services to assist the staff.

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Meeting State Standards

(k) The grantee must ensure that the disabilities service plan addresses grantee efforts to meet State standards for personnel serving children with disabilities by the 1994-95 program year. Special education and related services must be provided by or under the supervision of personnel meeting State qualifications by the 1994-95 program year.

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45 CFR 1308.4 Individualization and the Disabilities Service Plan. Head Start Program Performance Standards on Services for Children with Disabilities. 2006. English.

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