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Children's Literature and Disability: An Abbreviated Bibliography 

Literature is an excellent vehicle for communicating with children about disabilities, for providing these children with stories about persons like themselves, and for featuring the lives of people with disabilities. This resource list is intended to help parents and professionals identify books that are written about or include characters with disabilities. The list is grouped according to disability and entries indicate recommended age/grade level. A list of publishers is provided.

The following bibliography is provided courtesy of the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY).

Children's Literature and Disability: An Abbreviated Bibliography 

Down Syndrome
Hearing Impairment, including Deafness
Physical Disabilities
Serious Medical or Life-Threatening Conditions
Sibling Issues
Visual Impairment, including Blindness


This list of Resources You Can Use is intended to help parents and professionals identify books that are written about or include characters who have a disability. The list is grouped according to disability or issue (see list, above). We have indicated the age/grade level in parentheses to help you determine which of these books is appropriate for your children. At times, for clarity, we have indicated additional information about the story. A list of publishers is provided (in alphabetical order) at the end of this document, so that readers can easily obtain books of interest to them.

This Resources You Can Use is not intended to serve as an endorsement of any of the books listed. We urge you to carefully evaluate all materials in order to determine which is most appropriate for your particular needs.

This booklist is by no means exhaustive. You may identify additional children's literature relating to disability by:

  • Contacting a national, state, or local level disability organization that specializes in the disability of interest to you and asking what children's books involving disability they might recommend;
  • Checking to see what books involving disability are available in your local library and local bookstores;
  • Visiting the Web sites of the publishers listed at the end of this document to see if they have othermaterials that meet your needs.
  • These books can offer an excellent vehicle for communicating with children about disabilities, for providing children and young adults with stories about persons like themselves, and for featuring the personalities, friendships, challenges, accomplishments, and daily lives of people with disabilities.

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Corman,C.L., & Trevino, E. (1995). Eukee the jumpy jumpy elephant. Plantation, FL: Special Press. (Preschool-3)

Galvin, M., & Ferraro, S. (Illust.). (1995). Otto learns about his medicine: A story about medicine for children with ADHD. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Ages 4-8)

Shapiro, L.E. (1993). Sometimes I drive my mom crazy, but I know she’s crazy about me: A self-esteem book for ADHD children. Secaucus, NJ: Childswork/ Childsplay. (Preschool-5)

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Amenta III, C.A. (1992). Russell is extra special: A book about autism for children. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Ages 4-8)

Branon, B. (1998). Timesong. Las Vegas, NV: Huntington Press.

Simmons, K.L. (1996). Little rainman. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. (Ages 4-8)

Wilson, R. (1999). The legendary blobshocker. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. (Written and illustrated by a nine-year-old boy with autism.)

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Down Syndrome

Carter, A.R., Young, D. (Illust.), & Carter, C. (Illust.). (1997). Big brother Dustin. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman. (Ages 4-8)

Carter, A.R., Young, D. (Photographer), & Carter, C. (Illust.). (1999). Dustin's big school day. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman. (Ages 4-8)

Fleming, V. (1993). Be good to Eddie Lee. New York, NY: Putnam. (Preschool-3)

Rickert, J.E., & McGahan, P. (Photographer). (1999). Apple tree surprise. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Ages 3-7)

Rickert, J.E., & McGahan, P. (Photographer). (1999). Russ and the firehouse. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Ages 3-7)

Rickert, J.E., & McGahan, P. (Photographer). (2001). Russ and the almost perfect day. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Ages 3-7)

Stuve-Bodeen, S. (1998). We’ll paint the octopus red. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Ages 3-7)

Testa, M., & Paterson, D. (1994). Thumbs up, Rico! Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman. (Grades 3-7)

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Hearing Impairment, including Deafness

Addabbo, C. (1998). Dina the deaf dinosaur. Stamford, CT: Hannacroix Creek. (The author of this book is deaf.) (Preschool-5)

Lowell, G.R., & Brooks, K.S. (Illust.). (2000). Elana’s ears, or how I became the best big sister in the world. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Deafness) (Ages 3-8)

Slier, D. (1995). Word signs. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. (Deafness)

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Physical Disabilities

Heelan, J.R. (1998). Making of my special hand: Madison’s story. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree. (This book is about the making of a prosthesis.) (Ages 4-8)

Heelan, J.R. (2000). Rolling along: The story of Taylor and his wheelchair. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree. (This book is about a boy with cerebral palsy learning to use a wheelchair.) (Ages 6-10)

Holcomb, N. (1992). Andy finds a turtle. Hollisdayburg, PA: Jason & Nordic. (Preschool-2)

Holcomb, N. (1992). Andy opens wide. Hollisdayburg, PA: Jason & Nordic. (Preschool-2)

Holcomb, N. (1992). Fair and square. Hollisdayburg, PA: Jason & Nordic. (Preschool-2)

Myers, C., & Morgan, C. (Illust.). (1999). Rolling along with Goldilocks and the three bears. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Using a wheelchair) (Ages 3-7)

Useman, S., Useman, E., & Pillo, C. (Illust.). (1999). Tibby tried it. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (About a bird who can’t fly.) (Ages 3-8)

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Serious Medical or Life-Threatening Conditions

Mills, J.C. (1993). Gentle willow: A story for children about dying. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Preschool-3)

Mills, J., & Chesworth, M. (Illust.). (1992). Little Tree: A story for children with serious medical problems. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Amputation) (Ages 4-8)

Slote, A. (1992). Hang tough, Paul Mather. New York, NY: HarperCollins Children’s. (About a 12-year-old pitcher with leukemia.)

Verniero, J.C., & Flory, V. (Illust.). (1995). You can call me Willy: A story for children about AIDS. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Ages 4-8)

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Sibling Issues

Fox, P. (1997). Radiance descending. New York, NY: DK Publishing. (Down syndrome) (Grades 5-7)

Gordon, M., & Junco, J.H. (Illust.). (1992). My brother’s a world class pain: A sibling’s guide to ADHD-hyperactivity. DeWitt, NY: GSI. (Grades 4 and up)

Lowell, G.R., & Brooks, K.S. (Illust.). (2000). Elana’s ears, or how I became the best big sister in the world. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Deafness) (Ages 3-8)

Meyer, D.J. (Ed.). (1997). Views from our shoes: Growing up with a brother or sister with special needs. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (Grades 3 and up)

Prizant, B.M. (Ed.). (1997). In our own words: Stories by brothers and sisters of children with autism and PDD. Fall River, MA: Adsum. (Ages 12 and up)

Thompson, M. (1992). My brother Matthew. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. (About disability in general.) (Grades K-5)

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Visual Impairment, including Blindness

Chamberlin, K. (1997). Night search. Hollisdayburg, PA: Jason & Nordic. (Also available in Braille.)

Day, S., & Morris, D. (Illust.). Luna and the big blur. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Ages 4-8)

Martin, Jr., B., Archambault, J., & Rand, T. (Illust.). (1995). Knots on a counting rope. New York, NY: Henry Holt. (Preschool-2)

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Aldape, V.T., & Kossacoff, L.S. (Photographer). (1995). Nicole's story: A book about a girl with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner. (Grades 3-8)

Carlisle, K. (1994). Special raccoon: Helping a child learn about handicaps and love. Far Hills, NJ: New Horizon. (About disability in general.)

Klayman, G. (1996). Our new baby needs special help: A coloring book for families whose new baby has problems. Omaha, NE: Centering Corporation.

Koplow, L., & Velasquez, E. (Illust.). (1991). Tanya and the Tobo man: A story for children entering therapy. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Written in both English and Spanish.) (Ages 4-8)

Maguire, A. (1995). We’re all special. Santa Monica, CA: Portunus. (About disability in general.) (Preschool and up)

Mulder, L., & Friar, J.H. (Illust.). (1992). Sarah and Puffle: A story for children about diabetes. Washington, DC: Magination Press. (Diabetes) (Ages 4-8)

Roy, J.R. (1999). Bed potatoes: An activity guide for kids who feel yukky, miserable, and just plain sick. Saratoga Springs, NY: Activate Press.

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Publication of this document is made possible through a Cooperative Agreement between the Academy for Educational Development and the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. NICHCY
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Children's Literature and Disability: An Abbreviated Bibliography. NICHCY Resource List 5. The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. ED/OSERS/OSEP. 2001. English.

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