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Autism Awareness

The following information will provide appropriate resources related to autism spectrum disorders. The information can be used by family members, child care and preschool providers, and training and technical assistance staff.

Autism Awareness

Autism and related conditions affect an average of 1 in 150 children in the U.S. These conditions can dramatically affect a child's ability to participate in activities with loved ones, caregivers, and peers. Autism is one of several related disorders known as autism spectrum disorders. The lifelong impact of autism spectrum disorders, the lack of a known cause or cure for often debilitating symptoms, and concerns about increasing diagnosis make autism an urgent concern for families, educators, health professionals, and for local, state, national, and international organizations and governments.

CDC's current activities related to autism spectrum disorders include:
Understanding Rates and Trends (prevalence)
Advancing Autism Research (risk factors and causes)
Improving Early Detection and Diagnosis More>>

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Autism Awareness. HHS/CDC. 2008. English.

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