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Career Management Division
PAVE in the News
PAVE News PAVE Briefing PAVE Announcements

Project Announcement Visibility Effort (PAVE) has a new modified look. Employees no longer need to acquire an account/password to view PAVE announcements. However, new Supervisors and Administrative personnel who will create and approve PAVE opportunities will need to obtain an account/password by completing a CICO request.

Yes, it's here, it's real, and it's working for NASA Headquarters employees!

PAVE has now been extended to NASA Centers, EPA and State Department.

Recently, Chairwoman Jo Ann Davis, of the Civil Service Subcommittee, wrote a letter to the Directors of the Offices of Personnel Management (OPM) and Management and Budget (OMB) promoting PAVE as a potential government-wide career enrichment tool. In addition, EPA, who first developed PAVE, contacted NASA seeking interest in cross agency PAVE collaboration; that has now come to fruition.

Click here to read the history of PAVE.

I encourage you all to use PAVE to advertise and apply for special project opportunities. Who knows, one day you may be working at EPA or one of the NASA Centers on detail--gaining experience, visibility, or an opportunity that may lead to a promotion.

Pave Survey Statistics (Under Construction)

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