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  Healthy Schools


Healthy School Nutrition Environment

USDA's Team Nutrition has launched an effort to foster healthy school nutrition environments that support healthy eating and physical activity. Team Nutrition collaborated with 16 organizations to develop Changing the Scene – Improving the School Nutrition Environment. This action kit can be used at state and local levels to educate decisionmakers about the role the school environment plays in helping students meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Changing the Scene provides ideas on how to make needed changes that help students learn and practice healthy eating and physical activity habits.

Making It Happen – School Nutrition Success Stories shares stories from 32 schools and school districts that have made innovative changes to improve the nutritional quality of all foods and beverages offered and sold on school campuses. These success stories illustrate the wide variety of approaches used to improve student nutrition. The most consistent theme emerging from these case studies is that students will buy and consume healthful foods and beverages, and schools can make money from healthful options. Making It Happen! includes a variety of materials developed by some of the schools and contact information for each story.