Moving Image Collections: A Window to the World's Moving Images

Science Educators Advisory Board

The MIC Science Educators Advisory Board is composed of eminent educators in the sciences representing the spectrum of K20 education, including educators from museums and libraries.

The MIC Science Educators Advisory Board provides ongoing guidance and support in the development of the MIC website, search and retrieval functions, and the MIC Science Educators' Web Portal, Science Goes to the Movies. The Board also assists the MIC Education and Outreach Committee in the identification and development of education and outreach materials for discovering and using moving images in science education. The chair of the Education and Outreach Committee serves as an ex officio member of the Science Educators Advisory Board.


Walter J. Bogan

Director of Education Programs

University Heights Science Park, Newark, NJ

Gary W. Carter

National Geographic Television

Susan E. Coletta

Senior Science Education Specialist

Science and Engineering Resource Center

Rutgers University

Mark C. Croft

Professor of Physics

Rutgers University

Monica D. Devanas

Director, Faculty Development & Assessment Program

Teaching Excellence Center

Rutgers University

Karen Elinich

Director of Educational Technology Programs

Franklin Institute Science Museum

Carl Jaffe

Professor of Medicine

Yale University

George Laskaris

Executive Director -- New Jersey's Higher Education Network

Andrea Leigh

Metadata Librarian

UCLA Film and Television Archive

Chair, MIC Education and Outreach Committee

Robert E. Nahory

Instructional Technology Coordinator

Dana Library, Newark

Rutgers University Libraries

Karen Wenk


Library of Science and Medicine

Rutgers University Libraries

Sharon Younkin

Community Service Learning Programs

University of Wisconsin Medical School

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Updated: March 16, 2005
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