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Search Documents Help

'Noise' words:
These are common words such as: a, an, and, as and others. These words will be ignored by the search engine unless they are part of a Boolean (see below) search.
Punctuation marks:
Punctuation marks such as: ; (semicolon), : (colon), . (full stop/period), , (comma) and others are ignored by the search engine.
Special Characters:
To use specially treated characters such as &, |, ^, #, @, $, (, ), in a query, enclose your query in quotation marks (“).

Search Help:
The search engine is case insensitive so the query "User Manual" will return the same results as "user manual".
Keyword Search:
The query, user manual will return all documents containing the words "user" and "manual". This type of search will return the same results as the Boolean "user" AND "manual".
Phrase Search:
The query, "user manual" which will only return documents containing "user manual".
Boolean Searches:
The query, user AND NOT manual will return documents containing "user" but not "manual".
The query, user AND manual will return documents containing the words "user" and "manual".
The query, user OR manual will return documents containing "user" and also documents containing "manual".
Proximity Searches:
The query, user NEAR manual will return documents containing the word "user" NEAR the word "manual".
Advanced Searches:
The query @size > 1000 will return all documents with a size greater than 1KB.
The query #filename *.doc will return only word documents.
The query @write > 01/2/1 10:00:00 will return only documents modified since the 1st Feb 2001 at 12:00am.
The query man* will return all documents containing "man" as part of a word, i.e. "manual", "manually" and so on.

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Search Documents Help

'Noise' words:
These are common words such as: a, an, and, as and others. These words will be ignored by the search engine unless they are part of a Boolean (see below) search.
Punctuation marks:
Punctuation marks such as: ; (semicolon), : (colon), . (full stop/period), , (comma) and others are ignored by the search engine.
Special Characters:
To use specially treated characters such as &, |, ^, #, @, $, (, ), in a query, enclose your query in quotation marks (“).

Search Help:
The search engine is case insensitive so the query "User Manual" will return the same results as "user manual".
Keyword Search:
The query, user manual will return all documents containing the words "user" and "manual". This type of search will return the same results as the Boolean "user" AND "manual".
Phrase Search:
The query, "user manual" which will only return documents containing "user manual".
Boolean Searches:
The query, user AND NOT manual will return documents containing "user" but not "manual".
The query, user AND manual will return documents containing the words "user" and "manual".
The query, user OR manual will return documents containing "user" and also documents containing "manual".
Proximity Searches:
The query, user NEAR manual will return documents containing the word "user" NEAR the word "manual".
Advanced Searches:
The query @size > 1000 will return all documents with a size greater than 1KB.
The query #filename *.doc will return only word documents.
The query @write > 01/2/1 10:00:00 will return only documents modified since the 1st Feb 2001 at 12:00am.
The query man* will return all documents containing "man" as part of a word, i.e. "manual", "manually" and so on.

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