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MDS Active Resident Information Report

The MDS Active Resident Report summarizes information for residents currently in nursing homes. The source of these counts is the resident's MDS assessment record. The MDS assessment information for each active nursing home resident is consolidated to create a profile of the most recent standard information for the resident.

Active Resident. An active resident is a resident whose most recent assessment transaction is not a discharge and whose most recent transaction has a target date less than 180 days old. If a resident has not had a transaction for 180 days, then that resident is assumed to have been discharged.

Inactive Resident. Inactive residents are not included in these reports. An inactive resident is one whose most recent transaction is a discharge or whose most recent transaction is more than 180 days old.

  • Only current active residents are maintained on the RPT table.
  • If there is no activity for a resident in the last 180 days, then the resident is assumed to have been discharged (this allows for 93 days between quarterly assessments, 14 days for completion , 31 days for submission after completion, and about one month grace period for late assessments).
  • The active resident information represents a composite of items taken from the most recent comprehensive, full, quarterly, PPS, and admission assessments. Different items may come form different assessments. Different items may come from different stays or even different facilities. The intention is to create a profile with the most recent standard information for an active resident, regardless of source of information.
  • Items used from a quarterly assessment are limited to those items on the minimum 2-page quarterly. Additional items added to the quarterly by a specific state are ignored. This insures comparability among states.
  • If there is no quarterly, comprehensive, or PPS assessment available for an active resident in the last 180 days, then an assessment is assumed to be missing and the standard quarterly items are treated as missing.
  • If there is no comprehensive or PPS assessment in the last 440 days, then an assessment is assumed to be missing and the additional items on the comprehensive or full assessment (above those on the standard quarterly) are treated as missing. The 440 day period allows for 366 days between comprehensive assessments, 14 days for completion, 31 days for submission after completion, and about a one month grace period for late assessments.

Use the selection box below for selecting the time range for a report.

Data source: MDS National Repository

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Page Last Modified: 10/10/2008 7:38:16 AM
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